Are you looking for a job? The Ministry of Economy offers a vacancy with a salary of 22 thousand pesos per month

Through the Official Gazette of the Federation, The Ministry of Economy has published a call for participation in the competition for the position of Head of the Department of Serviceswhich will provide professional services in Mexico City.

According to the post, the monthly gross salary for this position will be 22,023 pesos. (twenty-two thousand twenty-three pesos 00/100 MN). The position will be forwarded to the Prospects, Planning and Evaluation Department. dependencies.

The agenda states that The head of the service department will have as a common goal it is: “management of requests for procedures and services offered by the Ministry of Economy in the federal representation, in accordance with current regulations, in order to support business activity in the country.”

What requirements must be met for a job?

The requirements that must be met in order to take the position of the head of the service department must have Undergraduate Research.

In addition, you must have minimum 2 years of experience in the areas of: public administration, political science and / or international relations, general economics, business organization and management, economic systems, international economics, sectoral economics, economic activity, fiscal policy and the national public treasury, accounting, management, valuation, industry Organization and public policy, management and development of human resources and / or management of investment and risk projects, in addition to legal sciences and law, public relations and / or archiving and document management, industrial technology, radio technology, communication technology. Communications and/or computer technology.

The Ministry of Economy needs a head of the service department. | Photo: promotions

What functions should the head of the service department perform?

Among functions to be performed stand out, stand out:

  • Review requests for procedures or services submitted by users to determine their viability.
  • Integrate user files to track their procedures.
  • Submit requests to regulatory areas that require central approval.
  • Prepare periodic reports to regulatory authorities on the implementation of procedures and services provided to users.
  • Conduct screening visits to applicants to obtain procedures and services to confirm or collect required information.

When is the deadline for applying for a job?

If this is of your interest participate in the position of head of the service department in the Ministry of Economyyou must Apply by September 13th on the portal

Be sure to have the following information handy: email, CURP, RFC. You must also create a username and password to enter the portal if this is your first time.

For those who are interested, who want to get more information, the call publishes the following emails: [email protected].

Source: Heraldo De Mexico


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