Evaluna Montaner reveals why she is one of the most beautiful women in the world

If there is a love relationship that has won the love of fans around the world, then this is Rate Montanera D Camilo Echeverri. They are usually very active on their social media, especially Instagram, from where they are constantly sharing with their millions of fans about their daily activities, traveling the world and raising their daughter, Indigo, who was born in April. past.

Just like they usually show great adventures, there is content on their social media that draws criticism. Days ago a post he made Rate Montaner users didn’t like it. This is a series of photographs from one of his tours in which he tried to imagine how the arrival of a child changed his daily routine. “The last photo is a summary of what it’s like to be parents on tour,” he announced.

Evaluna Montaner posing. Source: instagram

This photo shows Rate Montaner sitting in a chair with his hands on his face and legs apart, exposing the girl’s feces. Although the post has surpassed a million likes and received thousands of comments, as is the case with every post of his, many of the messages were negative. “Unhygienic photo and very bad taste”, “How unpleasant”, or “How disgusting, should you post baby poop with diarrhea?” are some of the reactions.

Secondly, Eva Luna makes it clear that when she posts the content of her posing, it is revealed that she is one of the most beautiful girls in the entertainment industry on the continent. The youngest of the Montaner clan posted a series of photos on Instagram that amazed Internet users.

In a camera social media post that has more than 500,000 likes, Rate Montaner he is shown posing and making a face, with photos of different shades and colors.

Source: Heraldo De Mexico


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