Anthony Ciccone, Madonna’s brother, dies

Anthony Ciccone, singer’s brother Madonna passed away at the age of 66 for unknown reasons. For several years he lived on the street and had problems with alcoholism.

Joe Henry, Anthony’s brother-in-law, turned to his Instagram for news distribution and wrote a long message: “My brother-in-law, Anthony Gerard Cicconeleft this earthly plane last night. I’ve known him since I was 15… Anthony was a complex character; and God knows we clash at times, as real brothers can. But he loved him and understood him better than he sometimes wanted to show. But the problems disappear; and the family remains holding hands on the table. Farewell, brother Anthony.”

So far, Madonna has not made any statements about her brother’s death.but gave like to Henry’s post. Anthony had a difficult relationship with his sister, and more than a decade ago made allegations against members of his family who he claimed did not care for him despite his position.

– They are selling for $21,000,000 a hundred-year-old castle in the Hollywood Hills that belonged to Madonna.

Author: Julio Cortez
Source: La Opinion


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