A nutritionist told what foods help detoxify the body

The natural detoxification of the body will proceed flawlessly with the regular use of certain foods. Them in a conversation with radio Sputnik named professor of FMBA of Russia, doctor of medical sciences, nutritionist Margarita Koroleva.

She noted that poor-quality food and alcohol abuse can adversely affect health. The natural detoxification system helps the body cope with this, the doctor reminded.

“When we need the perfect functioning of the body’s detoxification system, for example, if a person abuses not the most healthy drinks, we should give preference to cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage, spinach and others), which contain more sulfur”said the Queen.

Watercress can also help.

Sulfur, as the specialist explained, allows for the absorption of protein. It is also part of glutathione, a liver enzyme essential for the natural detoxification system.

In summer, when the risk of food poisoning increases, you can neutralize this danger with the help of fresh onions and garlic. These products contain natural antibiotics that prevent inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract due to stale or poor-quality food and poorly washed vegetables.

Earlier, the doctor told me how dangerous melon is.

Source: Ren


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