Obsessive thoughts may indicate a mental disorder

Photo: © Global Look Press/West Coast Surfer/moodboard

Obsessive thoughts and seemingly habitual actions can be symptoms of developing obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Yevgeny Fomin, candidate of medical sciences, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, told about what you should pay attention to.

He explained that in the early stages of OCD development, certain habits can seem like a quirk of a person. For example, check if the gas or iron is turned off, do not step on the joints of the plates, and so on.

At the very beginning of the development of the disorder, such features do not interfere with life. However, in the future, with an increase in the level of stress and an increase in anxiety as a result, the situation may worsen.

“A person has obsessive ideas, thoughts, images, urges. He begins to realize oddities in his behavior, this may be accompanied by guilt, fear, anxiety, and all this can develop into a serious disorder. Habits become a problem for a person, they begin to influence socialization for all spheres of life”– said Evgeny Fomin in an interview with Sputnik radio.

However, OCD can be dealt with not only with medication, but also with the help of psychotherapy – the main thing is to contact a specialist.

Earlier, psychologist Ekaterina Verchenova explained whether the popular monstrous toys Huggy Waggi and Kissy Missy are dangerous for children.

Source: Ren


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