Overeating at Christmas: 5 Medicines to Calm Your Stomach at Amazon

indigestion or dyspepsia This is a vague feeling of discomfort in the upper abdomen or abdomen. Usually It can be caused by eating too much, eating too fast, drinking too many caffeinated drinks, or drinking too much alcohol.something common for many people at Christmas.

According to MedlinePlus, this problem can cause symptoms such as warmth, burning, or pain in the area between the belly button and the lower part of the sternum., as well as a feeling of satiety, which is unpleasant and can even cause nausea. It may also be accompanied by a feeling of bloating and belching.

In general, if indigestion is a single episode caused by a large meal, the symptoms disappear on their own after a few minutes or hours. However, can soothe the stomach with over-the-counter medicines e.g. ranitidine or omeprazole. You can also take antacid to relieve symptoms.

Next, we will show you 5 stomach calming medicines that you will find on Amazon.

1. IBgard – Medicine for the stomach

This fast-acting drug provides relief of stomach paineven with a combination of symptoms such as cramps, urge to defecate, diarrhea, constipation, bloating and gas. It is formulated to help normalize the intestinal mucosa, thereby improving digestion and absorption of dietary nutrients, and may also promote bacterial balance in the small intestine.

2. Alka-Seltzer? stomach relief pills

These delicious chewable tablets provide quick relief for heartburn, gas, bloating, sour stomach and acid indigestion, symptoms that can cause annoying abdominal pain. They work quickly to neutralize stomach acids in seconds so you can get on with your life with ease. They have a pleasant taste, without leaving a feeling of gritty chalk.

3. Rite of aid? Omeprazole Tablets

These delayed release tablets treat heartburn and acid reflux often, and although this does not provide immediate relief, it may Long term solution for stomach pain. This medicine is used to treat certain stomach and esophageal problems and may last up to 14 days. It is also used as a stomach protector when taking pills that can cause reflux and discomfort. It is also helpful in relieving the symptoms of indigestion.

4. Pepto Bismol? Stomach Relief Tablets

This medicine has quick relief of pain or indigestion, OK Effectively treats symptoms such as nausea, heartburn, indigestion and diarrhea. Made from bismuth subsalicylate, it has a coating effect that soothes the stomach and digestive tract. It comes in tablet form with a concentrated formula that eliminates pain in half the time.

5. Gut resistance? anti-inflammatory supplement

Made with Turmeric, Ginger Root, Berberine, Green Tea and Boswellia Serratathis natural supplement relieves and reduces intestinal inflammation caused by gas accumulation. This product promotes a healthy inflammatory response that improves gut barrier function and is completely safe as it does not contain chemicals or any other drugs.

Author: Erica Hernandez
Source: La Opinion


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