Psychologist Sambursky called the reasons for people’s obsession with sex

Photo: © unsplash/We-Vibe Toys

Photo: © unsplash/We-Vibe Toys

The fixation of some people on sex can be for various reasons: from psychological problems and traumas to banal boredom from the lack of an intimate life. More about why a person can be literally obsessed with “it”, said clinical psychologist Stanislav Sambursky in an interview with “”.

According to the expert, one of the reasons for this phenomenon may be the most common loneliness and the desire to find a partner. Such people, as a rule, can talk about sex in order to appear to the interlocutors as a more liberated and attractive person, thus trying to establish a connection with others.

“Today we live in a culture that is highly sexualized. Society places great value on physical beauty and sexual prowess. People who are considered attractive and sexually active are often glorified, while those who do not meet these standards are shamed. For example, teenagers feel the need to constantly talk about your sexual experiences or desires in order to fit in and be accepted by your peers”added the expert.

In addition, a constant desire to talk about or engage in sex may appear as a protest against the culture that a person has been instilled by parents.

“Those who grew up in families or cultures where sex is a taboo topic may talk about it to challenge these norms and feel more free”Sambursky explained.

You should not dismiss the option that one of the main reasons may lie in deep psychological problems. For example, a person may be hypersexual in order to cope with trauma after being raped or assaulted, to drown out emotional pain. Also, this method helps them feel like the master of the situation.

In addition, hypersexuality can be a symptom of a mental illness such as bipolar or borderline personality disorder. Sometimes it is a desire to attract the attention of others and shock them with a discussion of a taboo topic. The latter may indicate the presence of sexual addiction or a compulsive sexual behavior disorder.

“These people cannot control their sexual desires and impulses, they are often obsessed with sex and have obsessive thoughts. Compulsions with sex dampen anxiety, it is also a form of avoidance behavior”concluded the specialist.

Source: Ren


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