Five problems that many companies face in “KPI management”.Advice from a professional who worked as an instructor at Recruit for 11 years

Since the beginning of this year, I have been inundated with inquiries about KPI management. They say–

“I can’t narrow it down to one KPI, what should I do?”

“What should we do with KPIs for indirect departments?”

“What should an organization that has nothing to do with KPIs do?”

“You create KPIs for each organization, right?”

“What is KPI management useful for in the first place?”

Such consultations come from a wide variety of companies, from major companies that develop subscription-model services to welfare offices and government agencies. Their businesses may seem unrelated at first glance, but they all have one thing in common.

that is,I have been doing KPI management until now, but I would like to review it because it is not good as it is the point.

This is not unrelated to the increasingly uncertain world. The changes in values ​​brought about by the corona crisis, the unpredictable situation in Ukraine, and the global financial instability triggered by the failure of Silicon Valley Bank. There is also concern that generational AI such as ChatGPT, which is rapidly spreading, will threaten white-collar jobs.

In other words, various industries have entered the “VUCA era” where the future is unpredictable.

The point is to “identify the weakest points and strengthen them throughout the organization.”

I have been with the Recruit Group for 29 years, 11 of which I worked as a business manager and an in-house lecturer on KPIs.

The number of students, in fact, is 1100 people. Since I was an in-house lecturer, I was invited to speak to people outside the company, and I had the opportunity to give a lecture on KPI management at a general company.

Based on these achievements, we published the book “KPI Management for the Best Results” in 2018 and its sequel “KPI Practice Notes for the Best Results” in 2020. For these reasons, I still receive inquiries about KPI management from various organizations.

My KPI management is characterized by the existence of a background “theory” in addition to being based on “practice” at Recruit Group. That theory is the “Constraint Theory,” which Professor Eliyahu Goldratt preached in his best-selling “The Goal” series.

Constraint theory consists of the following five steps:

[Five steps of constraints]

  1. Identify Constraints
  2. Make full use of constraints
  3. Subordinate non-constraints to constraints
  4. Improving Constraint Ability
  5. Identifying New Constraints, Watching for Inertia

Based on this, my KPI management can be summed up in one sentence:Identify the areas to be strengthened the most (≒ important areas ≒ weak points) in the business process, and strengthen (≒ protect) them throughout the organization”about it.

Step 1 is to “identify the areas in the business process that should be strengthened the most (≒ strengths ≒ weaknesses)”. “Strengthening (≒protecting) it with the whole organization” is the 2nd to 4th steps.

Image of business process

An image of a business process.

Trying to force the weakest process to do this or that doesn’t pay off. So try to do only what the weakest process can do. This is what Step 2 means: “Take full advantage of your constraints.”

and,The surrounding processes do what they can, even if it’s not the weakest process.. This is Step 3, “Subordinate Non-Constraints to Constraints”.

Step 4, “Improve the ability of constraints,” means that from the surrounding process,Transfer management resources such as people, goods, and money to the weakest processabout it. This will increase the power of that process.

And when that process is strong enough, you can then strengthen the weaker process.

in this case,The degree to which it should be strengthened is the KPI..

Business process image diagram

Image of steps 1-5.

Now that we’ve sorted this out, let’s try to answer the five questions presented at the beginning.

Q1. I can’t narrow down my KPI to one, what should I do?

Source: BusinessInsider


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