Panasonic Connect’s executive compensation changes, lags Hitachi and Sony; management must be mindful of stock price even in unlisted companies

Panasonic Connect CEO Yasuyuki Higuchi.

In recent years, listed companies have been under increasing pressure to implement management reforms from the Tokyo Stock Exchange, activist funds, institutional investors, and others.

A growing number of companies, including Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings, Snow Peak, Lawson, Benesse Holdings, and Benefit One, are delisting and withdrawing from the stock market.

On the other hand, even though the company is not listed, we calculate the “theoretical enterprise value” by comparing the stock price and financial information of listed competitors.Management reform from an investor perspectiveOne company that is taking on this challenge is Panasonic Connect, a subsidiary of Panasonic Holdings.

We asked CEO Higuchi Yasuyuki about the background to this.

*This article was first published on April 8, 2024

Reference articles:”I knew the persistence of Panasonic’s culture”: Why corporate culture reform should be done top-down

table of contents:

・Management from the perspective of shareholders, even though the company is not listed

・Be a leader who can “cut losses” in your business

・Impatience with Sony Group and Hitachi

・A common standard for executives and business divisions

・Select the top 7 companies and the 3 companies the business division considers to be competitors

・Did we aim for the wrong place? Were we surprised by the data of our rivals?

– Large differences between departments, concentrated investment in high multiples

The resolution of the business model has improved.

Even though the company is not listed, management is based on the perspective of shareholders

Starting in fiscal 2023, Panasonic Connect will calculate the company’s “theoretical enterprise value” and then adopt a system in which executive compensation will be determined based on how that value increases or decreases three years later.

The company is unusual among non-listed companies in that it does not report EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) or ROIC (return on invested capital).DisclosureThis time, they are taking it a step further and trying to take a hard look at their current situation from the “market perspective” rather than just looking at their own performance as an inward-looking indicator.

“The longer a Japanese company’s history is,The founder’s management philosophy remains strongIn the past, companies tend to think of contributing to society as their primary purpose.The emphasis on “pursuing profits” and “returning value to shareholders” tends to be low.That’s it.I want to strongly bring back the focus on “increasing shareholder value”That was the underlying idea.”

Be a leader who can “cut losses” in your business

The key point is that each of the company’s six business divisions will determine its theoretical enterprise value, and the sum of these will be considered to be Connect’s enterprise value.

“At Panasonic, the division manager has the same position as the company president.”Mr. Higuchi says, “Instead of just striving to improve the performance of your own division, you should allocate resources with the benefit of the entire company in mind, or more specifically,Cutting the Losses on His Own BusinessI wanted to be able to do that.

“It’s hard to quit a business with such a long history, and when it comes to quitting,The loudest voices in the alumni community are strongly opposed to the idea.,that isEspecially if it’s your family business…This is often the case.

Leaders also lack the courage to continue doing the right thing even if there is opposition, and to make the decision to step down with an eye to the next five or ten years.

Regarding investmentInstead of assessing returns, a strange egalitarianism of “if you invest here, then you should invest there” is widespread.doing.

First of all, from now on,They also have a low sensitivity to identifying business models that will generate profits.I wanted to solve all of these problems.

To increase the overall corporate value of the company,”Maybe I should close my business”And,”If you’re going to invest, it’s better to invest in places that have room for growth (even if it’s not your own division)””I want to encourage more decisions like this,” said Higuchi.

Frustration with Sony Group and Hitachi

Sony Group, Hitachi

The Panasonic Group is truly”Choice and concentration”Panasonic Holdings has made a big splash by announcing that it will sell its subsidiary, an auto parts company with sales of over 1 trillion yen, to a US investment fund.

Panasonic Connect also supports thisIn seven years, eight businesses were closed, three factories were closed, and two businesses were sold.I have been doing so.

In such a company,”Portfolio Management”It is very important to thoroughly raise awareness of this issue.

At the root of this is the fact that the Sony Group and Hitachi, Ltd., which are generally considered to be part of the electronics industry,Sense of crisisis.

Market capitalization isSony Group: 16 trillion yen,Hitachi: 12 trillion yenThese are the 4th and 9th most profitable Japanese companies in the “10 trillion yen club,” whilePanasonic Holdings is ranked 62nd with 3 trillion yen(As of April 5, 2024).

According to Connect, the gap between the two companies began to widen around 2018. The stock price plummeted after the company announced a decline in revenue and profits.”Sony Shock”(2003) and Hitachi in 2008.The manufacturing industry’s biggest deficit since the warNeither of them had smooth sailing, with the release ofEntertainmentFocus onIPStrengthenIntangible assetsSony Group has started to make money throughBusiness portfolio reformProceed withDissolution of parent-child listingorReduction of cross-shareholdingsThe situation has been improved by implementing thorough governance reforms such as the above.

A common standard for executives and business divisions

In particular, after analyzing the changes in Hitachi’s revenue structure and stock price movements over the past 20 years, I became keenly aware that the portfolio reform has been received with high expectations by the stock market.

What was seen behind Hitachi’s recovery was,Implementing “medium- to long-term” management strategiesis.

Connect’s previous management practices were based on comparisons with business plans and the previous fiscal year.Your company’s past and short-termwas.

We have also compared sales figures with competitors on a quarterly basis.Short-term and not evaluated by the market.

In addition, the theoretical corporate value is linked to compensation only for executives, butI want it to function as a tool for employees to gain a “stock market perspective”This was the thought of the accounting and human resources department that led the system design.Division manager classTheoretical enterprise value is the answer that comes from pursuing a quantitative indicator that all companies can commonly aim for, with a market perspective.

Select the top seven companies and three competing companies as considered by the business division

Panasonic Connect

Let’s look at how to calculate theoretical enterprise value.

Source: BusinessInsider


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