Women on the path to economic empowerment and digitalization

In the 1960s, the term “empowerment” became popular as a consequence of civil rights movements. Paulo Freire, a Brazilian economist, philosopher and educator, focuses the term on education or critical knowledge, stating that education does not change the world, but rather changes the people who are going to change the world. In this sense, empowerment is understood as a process that brings people together in the economic, intellectual, social and psycho-emotional spheres to access material and symbolic resources that strengthen their abilities in all areas. The authorized person, in addition to knowing his rights, exercises them independently, incurring obligations, making decisions and being self-sufficient; a person worthy and free to develop his skills in favor of significant changes in his environment of influence.

Now, if we take into account that women make up 52% ​​of the total population, there is a huge possibility that by empowering them in all these mentioned principles and values ​​and including them in the economy, their contribution will lead to significant national development. We are faced with the task of integrating into the curve of the digital economy as soon as possible. The question is how can we achieve this? There are various engagement tools that create an enabling environment for women’s economic empowerment. The term empowerment is usually understood as a process of evolution and development. From this point of view, bringing more women into the economy creates value in all areas and, in particular, increases the gross domestic product. Be it from the care economy, valued at 6.4 billion pesos, corresponding to 27.6% of the national GDP; or the labor market. By August 2022, Mexico’s economically active population was 45% female (ENOE 2022).

Living in a digital society puts digital skills at the forefront in order to be highly competitive in global markets. Bringing them closer to mentoring programs and support networks such as associations or business organizations will strengthen their managerial skills and make it easier to access funding to develop their potential and vision for the future. Promote business culture from basic education, influence them into leadership positions, decisions and leadership, create conditions of safety and well-being, formalize their enterprises and their professional development, and develop public and private policies by promoting gender equality from top positions. These are some of the basic tools and fundamental principles for realizing the full potential of women’s autonomy, which will help build stronger economies and create more stable, peaceful and just societies. There are organizations such as the Mexican Association of Women in Business Executives that promote and represent women’s economic empowerment and will soon host the AMMJE 2022 Business Summit “Metaversa. Unlimited Universe”, the central theme of which is the digital economy. The term Metaversa has been feminized to highlight the importance of women in the economy of the future and will take place from 8 to 10 November in Sonora, with venues in Ciudad Obregon and Hermosillo. This is a great opportunity to listen to experts in the field and be ready for a breakthrough business. https://www.metaversaammje.com

In collaboration with Norma Morel, CEO of the Mexican Association of Women Business Executives (AMMJE). If you’d like to learn more about this, please contact the Revolution 5.0 team at [email protected] or our @DisruptiveLabs network, we’d love to hear from you!

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Source: Heraldo De Mexico


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