The importance and benefits of talking to children about sexuality

One of the main reasons why topics related to sexuality continue to be taboo in many families and in many institutions is due to the lack of communication parents have with their children.

Too often, these issues are avoided, either because of misinformation or because you think it’s too early to address them. This is stated in an article published Mayo Clinic in 2021, which says that even at a very early age, boys and girls may already be starting to ask themselves questions about their bodies or what is the origin of babies.

Given these questions, it is recommended not to explain the scientific process, but to give an answer that is as close to reality as possible.

One of the most common mistakes is using children’s resources or explanations, such as quoting a famous stork story, or calling genitals or body parts wrong or appropriate names. According to a child psychologist Joshua Klapowit’s not about giving kids an anatomy lesson, but about calling them anatomically correct terms to avoid any confusion.

Several institutions teaching this type of subject, as well as several experts, recommend that children be properly informed in childhood about the care they should have for their body, their hygiene, their health and respect for all people with disabilities. those who interact, given that it is very possible that they will encounter other children who have a different type of education and other types of tastes or beliefs, or who have grown up in an environment that is very different from what they are used to.

It is extremely important to open the channels of communication to talk about the natural changes that the body will experience during adolescence, as parents know that our children are not only changing physically, but also emotionally, when we have these conversations, we create a very strong family. connection and that it opens up the possibility for our children to come and tell us about any situation, no matter how difficult it may be.

As children approach puberty, it will be possible to speak to them more concisely and directly, if the topic has already been properly addressed in advance, communication will be more fluid and less complex.

To make this whole process easier and avoid potential repercussions in the future, Planned Parenthood has published information and guides to provide advice and guidance to parents throughout this process. Guide on how to start this conversation The Planned Parenthood web page details and segments several of the most common doubts on this subject, such as:

What should I teach my child in elementary school about pregnancy and reproduction?

What should I teach my child in elementary school about identity?

What should I teach my child in elementary school about sex and sexuality? Among other things.

Talking about sexuality in general in the Hispanic community has always been difficult because we haven’t received that kind of education, but we know that the most important relationship is with our children, and in order to have a healthy relationship with them, we need to start talking. about them. issues such as sexuality, consequences, and conversations about our values ​​and what we would like for them.

Family planning is also survey where parents in the US were asked if they agreed with the introduction of sex education in schools. The mentioned survey showed as a result that 93% of the participants confirmed that they agree with this education at the initial stage and 96% at the middle stage.

Similarly, other surveys conducted at the national and state levels in the United States over the past 18 years have shown that the vast majority of parents prefer their children to be instructed and oriented on these issues from an early age to prevent problems such as unwanted pregnancy.

A specific example would be the state Texas, which during the survey showed that 80% of the parents surveyed agree with the teaching of contraception, sexuality and abstinence in schools.

If you would like more information on sexuality education and early childhood reproduction, you can only consult Planned Parenthood at the following link. Click here.

Author: Claudia Powell, Planned Parenthood Communications Director, Los Angeles.Claudia Powell
Source: La Opinion


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