Journey to the past. An old Earth map will show you where your home was at the time of the dinosaurs

Scientists used data on the movement of tectonic plates and paleographic maps to create an interactive sphere of the Earth.

The appearance of the planet as we know it today is relatively new. IFL Science writes that the land and oceans we see on Earth today are the product of tectonic plates that keep coming together like a puzzle.

These pieces of the puzzle are changing, but too slowly for us to notice in our lifetime. However, scientists offer to look at the world of our world on the scale of millions of years – the movement of land masses will take us back to the time of dinosaurs and megalodons, making the world completely unrecognizable to our eyes.

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In a new study, scientists have developed a tool that could help us move forward in time from the present to the time of the first vertebrates, the first hominids and dinosaurs.

For this, Ian Webster, creator of the Ancient World Map, used data from the PALEOMAP project on the movement of tectonic plates and paleographic maps by Christopher Scotese.

Thus, every person on Earth is given the opportunity to travel in time—for example, to go back 750 million years, jump back 250 million years, and return to the present.

The interactive world lets you “live” Earth’s most iconic moments or watch how the continents separate and merge to form the shape of the planet familiar to us by holding down the left or right keys on the keyboard. In addition, the map has options that allow you to choose your city on the ancient Earth globe, navigate to a specific time period or to certain important moments in the history of our planet.

Enter your address on the Ancient World Map and you will see where your current place of residence is at this or that period of the planet’s life. The interactive world is the public domain in the link.

Previously Focus He wrote that time travel is possible, but there is one condition: what do physicists say?

Source: Focus


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