Sleeping Beauty. China’s most famous mummy is 2100 years old and time is skipping it (photo)

The ancient mummy of a Chinese noblewoman may be the best preserved mummy ever found.

The mummy of Chinese aristocrat Xin Zhui is in such good condition that she is sometimes referred to as the “Sleeping Beauty” of China. At 2100 years old, he looks very good for his age. But scientists discovered that the woman led a luxurious lifestyle that affected her health, writes IFLScience.

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The tomb of an ancient Chinese aristocrat was accidentally discovered by builders near the city of Changsha in the late 1960s, and only in 1971 was this deep-seated tomb excavated by archaeologists. Scientists have discovered three tombs at once in an ancient tomb; one of them contained the body of Li Cang, an influential nobleman from the Western Han province that existed from 206 BC to 9 BC.

In another tomb, scientists found the mummy of his wife, Xin Zhui, who is known to have died in 163 BC. about 50 years old. Along with the mummy, archaeologists have discovered thousands of ancient artifacts dating back to the Western Han period.

And in the third tomb, scientists found the body of a young man who could be the son of the above-mentioned people or Xin Zhui’s younger brother. As it turned out, Li Cang and the young man’s bodies were much more affected by the influence of time than a woman’s body.

The mummy of Xin Zhui, which is just over 2100 years old, is in excellent condition even now. The woman’s mummy and artifacts from her tomb are currently held at the Hunan Provincial Museum, where glass jars with her organs are also on display.

Until now, the wrinkled body of a Chinese noble looked more like a recently deceased person on a funeral table than an ancient mummy. Until now, a woman had blood in her veins, and most of the body’s soft tissues were unaffected by the influence of time.

Scientists believe that the reason why the body was so incredibly preserved was that Xin Zhui was buried in four coffins at the same time, and his body was placed in the innermost coffin. In addition, the woman’s body was wrapped in 18 layers of silk and linen fabric. All this contributed to the good preservation of the mummy.

Also, during the opening of a woman’s coffin, scientists discovered that it was filled with an unusually transparent liquid that turned brown after contact with air. Some scientists believe it is a woman’s bodily fluid, but others suggest it is the best example of a special ancient Chinese herbal blend designed specifically to protect the body.

Scientists conducted an autopsy on Xin Zhui’s body and found that her health was very poor throughout her life. As for the cause of death, scientists learned that the woman died of a heart attack shortly after eating. The study even showed that the woman ate last. Scientists found more than 100 melon seeds in her esophagus and stomach, and according to the researchers, the noble woman swallowed them in great haste. Scholars believe that Xin Zhui’s poor health is most likely due to her luxurious and lazy lifestyle. That’s why she was overweight and also she had diabetes.

Now many people come to the museum not only to look at the unique mummy, some believe that this ancient woman holds the secret to longevity. And judging by its well-preserved remains, that’s probably the case.

Focus He has already written about another unusual mummy nicknamed Atacama Humanoid. Some even thought that it was an alien, but it turned out to be the body of a premature baby with many mutations.

same Focus wrote about the 5300-year-old Bigfoot mummy, which still continues to baffle scientists. Researchers believe the body went through an unusual glacial burial procedure.

Source: Focus


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