Stellantis, at the Mobility Freedom Forum we talk about affordable mobility Feb 08, 2023 0

After leaving ACEA, the association of European car manufacturers, Stellantis announced the creation ofFreedom of Mobility Forum”, which will annually gather the best experts for “address and address the challenges of clean, safe and convenient mobility for society in the face of the effects of global warming“.

The automaker has announced the topic of its first digital debate of the year, which will take place on March 29 and will last 2 hours. We will talk about a very important topic for the automotive industry, on which there is a lot of discussion, namely, if in “in a carbon-free world, mobility will be free and only available to a lucky few“.


As you know, the CEO of Stellantis has repeatedly sounded the alarm about the cost of electric vehicles, which could cut out the middle class. The debate will examine the environmental, social and financial costs required to ensure free, affordable, sustainable and safe mobility for all, as well as the impact of socio-economic and geographic location on access to mobility per se.

The topic of discussion was selected by the Freedom of Mobility Forum Advisory Board from a number of key topics related to mobility in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals. The Advisory Board is made up of diverse, multicultural and interdisciplinary people from different regions and from the following sectors: mobility, energy, technology, universities, science, youth and civil society.

The results of the discussion, including any specific steps, will then be posted on the forum website. Debates will be moderated Cecilia R. EdwardsPartner at Wavestone, a global consulting firm specializing in business transformation.

Author: Philip Vendrame

Source: HD Motori


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