Stop the sale of endothermy from 2035: final approval by the European Parliament 14 February 2023 264

The final decision on stop sales of new thermal cars from 2035 in the EU have already been adopted after the European Council and the European Parliament reached an agreement on this issue. So it was nothing more than a approval of the text by the European Parliament what happened today.

However, the legislative process is not yet complete. In fact, after this vote, the European Council will have to formally approve the text before it is published in the Official Journal of the European Union. We remind you that the cessation of the sale of new gasoline and diesel vehicles is one of the most important points EU fit for package 55.


340 votes in favor, 279 votes against and 21 abstentions. Thus, the text received a green light from the European Parliament. The agreement that has been reached it also includes intermediate steps until 2035, when it will no longer be possible to sell new endothermic cars.

For example, by 2025 the European Commission will present “methodology for estimating and reporting CO2 emissions throughout the life cycle of cars and vans sold on the EU market“. If necessary, the methodology will be accompanied by legislative proposals.

By December 2026 European Commission”it will monitor the gap between emission limits and actual fuel and energy consumption data“. In addition, the commission will present “methodology for adjusting CO2 emissions by manufacturer“.

In addition, starting from the end of 2025 every two years, the Commission will publish a report to assess progress towards zero-emission mobility. Interim emission reduction targets for 2030 (compared to 2021) have been set at 55% for passenger cars and 50% for vans.

Approved text also provides for exceptions. Manufacturers with limited annual production (1,000 to 10,000 new passenger cars or 1,000 to 22,000 new vans) are eligible for the exemption until the end of 2035. In addition, there is a full exemption for those who produce less than 1,000 new cars per year. speaker Jan Huitema commented:

The law encourages the production of cars with low and zero emissions. It also contains an ambitious revision of the 2030 targets and zero emissions targets by 2035, which are critical to achieving climate neutrality by 2050. These goals will bring clarity to the automotive industry and encourage builder innovation and investment. Buying and driving zero-emission vehicles will become less burdensome for consumers and lead to the rapid development of the used car market. Environmentally friendly driving will become accessible to everyone.

Author: Philip Vendrame

Source: HD Motori


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