Timmermans: Automotive industry to opt for zero emission technology March 20, 2023 2

Subject stop selling endothermy from 2035 continues to generate much discussion, especially at the political level. We have been talking about this very often in recent weeks and have seen talks going on between some EU countries to slow down the transition and advance the concept of technological neutrality.

The Vice-President of the European Commission entered into this debate. Frans Timmermansin Italy for an academic event.


Speaking to La Repubblica, Timmermans stressed that endothermic cars won’t disappear by 2035. Cars with internal combustion engines will still be, but new ones will not be able to emit CO2. In addition, he points out that the European Union leaves it to the builders. choice of technology to use to achieve the goal of zero exhaust emissions.

This decision will be made by the industry. This is not our choice. We only stated the target, zero emissions. The rest depends on companies in the sector and the supply chain. What technology do you want to develop? I prefer battery-powered cars, electric or hydrogen, but whether there are other technologies is up to the industry, not us.

Then the Vice-President of the European Commission touched Chinese theme. As we have seen, there has been a lot of discussion in Italy that switching to electricity too quickly could benefit China and result in the loss of thousands of jobs in our country. However, for Timmermans we must go forward, not backward if you want to give the European car industry a future.

While we are discussing, Chinese car manufacturers will bring 80 new models of electric vehicles to Europe in 2023 alone, which will also be available to citizens with fewer resources. We must react. If we want a future for the automotive industry in Europe, we must move forward and not tie the automotive industry to the past. It is important. Hundreds of thousands of future jobs are at stake. And the future is CO2-free cars.

With regard to Italy, Timmermans adds that when the agreement for 2035 was discussed, our country said it was satisfied that a solution had been found for small car manufacturers. Therefore, the vice-president of the European Commission hopes that the Italian government will be able to convince the need to promote this regulation.

What about e-fuel proposal made by Germanynegotiations were open. However, Timmermans is confident that a way out of the current impasse will be found.

Author: Filippo Vendrame SOURCE

Source: HD Motori


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