Cosmic metamorphoses. ‘Hot Jupiter’ discovered: will soon transform into another planet

A new Jupiter-like exoplanet has been discovered around a distant dwarf star, but under the influence of another planet, it will soon change.

Using the TESS Space Telescope, astronomers have found a new planet orbiting a dwarf star 1,061 light-years away. Space writes that this planet is a “hot Jupiter” but will transform into a “hot Jupiter” once it gets close to the host star.

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The TESS space telescope is used by astronomers to search for exoplanets, that is, planets located outside the solar system. To date, the telescope has discovered 6200 candidates for the planetary title, of which 3000 have already received this status. Overall, astronomers now already know of more than 5200 exoplanets discovered by various space telescopes.

The TESS space telescope uses the so-called transit method to search for exoplanets; the essence of it is that when the planet passes in front of its host star, the light of the latter becomes dim. If this process is repeated several times, the brightness of the star from our point of view is most likely affected by an unknown exoplanet.

The new planet (1061 light-years away), designated TOI-4127 b, completes its orbit around the dwarf star TOI-4127 (similar to the Sun, but with a slightly larger mass) in just over 56 days. So, a year on this planet lasts exactly in this time period.

The planet TOI-4127 b is only 1.1 times larger than Jupiter and 2.3 times the mass of “our” gas giant. This exoplanet has a long orbit and approaches its star at a distance of about 50 million km, or 1/3 the distance from the Earth to the Sun.

Scientists named this planet “hot Jupiter” because the temperature on the surface of the gas giant is about 332 degrees Celsius. And this is much lower than the temperature of the more famous planets, called “hot Jupiters.”

Many exoplanets discovered by astronomers using the TESS space telescope belong to the class of “hot Jupiters.” So these are planets of similar size to Jupiter (or slightly larger in size), orbiting very close to their star (on average, at a distance of 15 million km or less), and the year here is 10 days or less. .

As for the planet TOI-4127 b, scientists believe that it will not remain a “hot Jupiter” for long and will soon become a “hot Jupiter” under the influence of another planet.

Astronomers believe that such “hot” gas giants have changed their orbits over time under the influence of other planets in their star systems, causing these “hot Jupiters” to approach their stars. That is, they begin to orbit much closer around their host star.

Scientists believe that exoplanet TOI-4127 b could change its orbit under the gravitational effect of another yet-to-be-discovered planet, thus becoming a “hot Jupiter”. Astronomers say studying this planet can provide more insight into how such hot gas giants form.

As already written Focus, scientists have found a new natural satellite of the Earth. It is much smaller than the Moon and is usually an asteroid.

Source: Focus


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