No pain. Innovative therapy will let you forget about chronic low back pain

The results of the study show an improvement in the condition and mobility of the patients.

Anyone who has experienced low back pain at least once will never forget the experience. The New Atlas writes that some people have had to live with chronic low back pain that makes it literally impossible to move and live a full life.

The good news is that a group of researchers from Curtin and Macquarie Universities (Australia) seems to have developed an innovative therapy that will make you forget about suffering. Remember that therapy includes psychological and physical approaches, enabling patients to deal effectively with relapses.

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According to statistics, about 80% of adults experience low back pain in their lifetime, and the number of attacks only increases with age. In about a quarter, the inflammation smoothly turns into an unpleasant chronic condition that can last for more than 3 months or even years.

Scientists recommend cognitive functional therapy to deal with chronic low back pain and forget about the pain. Note that its effectiveness was tested in a clinical study involving 500 people with chronic pain. In total, recipients completed two dozen physical therapy sessions over 12 weeks, including individual sessions with clinicians. The recipients also revisited the specialists six months after the end of treatment.

The results of the study show that they all reported a significant improvement in mobility and pain, as well as an improvement in their condition. This effect persisted even six months after the end of treatment.

The therapy was developed by Professor Peter O’Sullivan. He believes that using a psychological and physical approach can significantly improve the lives of patients with chronic low back pain. First, therapy includes psychological tools to enable the patient to cope with their condition, and second, recipients are taught to act in ways that reduce pain.

O’Sullivan also notes that the new treatment is individual and based on the individual’s characteristics and experience of living with pain. In addition, physiotherapists give patients tips to help them move skillfully and reduce the risk of sharp pain.

It is important to understand that this method is very different from the usual approaches, which usually include:

  • massage;
  • spinal manipulation;
  • Medication;
  • injections.

The researchers also note that the effect of the innovative treatment lasts for up to a year, with reductions in pain and stress. According to the study, more than 80% of patients who received therapy were satisfied with the results and noted the psychological benefits of being able to act with newfound confidence.

Previously Focus He wrote that correct posture will not protect against back pain: scientists told what to do.

Important! This article is based on and does not contradict the latest scientific and medical research. The text is for informational purposes only and does not contain medical advice. Be sure to see a doctor for a diagnosis.

Source: Focus


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