Unexpected Criminals: How to Avoid Refrigerator and Freezer Smell

Refrigerators are often seen as a reliable way to keep food fresh and resistant to spoilage for a long time. However, bad odors from the freezer can sometimes overturn these expectations.

The first refrigerator was made by Thomas Moore in 1803. Its purpose was to supply Washington with butter. These indispensable devices today help various products stay fresh much longer, but often you have to deal with unpleasant odors from freezers. How exactly, writes IFLScience.

One of the main causes of bad odor from the refrigerator is the presence of microbes, including bacteria, yeast and mold. Although freezing can slow the growth of most common microbes, some will still thrive if the temperature rises above -18°C (recommended temperature for refrigerators). Germs can also multiply if hot food is placed directly in the refrigerator or if the power is off for a long time.

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Spilled food and open containers can be ideal breeding grounds for germs. In addition, some microbes can survive freezing and will begin to multiply as soon as conditions are favorable.

When food spoils, microbes release several harsh chemicals called volatile organic compounds (VOCs), some of which can cause unpleasant odors.

Freezing can also cause physical changes in food, causing the breakdown of certain organic molecules. When frozen, the salts can become concentrated, leading to the removal of water and concentration of organic molecules. These molecules can move around in the refrigerator and cling to other items, causing bad odors.

In some cases, unpleasant odors from the refrigerator may pass into the freezer, as both appliances have the same cooling source and airflow channel. Try to seal food in airtight containers to avoid unpleasant odors. If you’ve already noticed bad odors, there are a few simple steps to eliminate them:

  • Remove all food from the freezer and check for spoilage, burning or foul odor.
  • Discard anything that forms ice crystals and store the rest in the refrigerator while you clean the freezer.
  • Remove the shelves and clean up any spilled water or crumbs, then wipe down all surfaces with warm soapy water or a mixture of baking soda and warm water.
  • You can also put baking soda inside the freezer to absorb any remaining odors.

So even though refrigerators are designed to keep food fresh, microbes can still multiply and cause bad odours. Regular cleaning is essential to keeping your products safe and healthy.

Previously Focus wrote about a millennial superfood for health and longevity. In addition to its great taste and nutritional value, the acai date has other uses that have been discovered over time by the indigenous people of the Amazon.

Source: Focus


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