car of the future could be inspired H1st Vision concept, where H1st means Human First. The concept was unveiled at Viva Technology 2023 and is the fruit of Software République, an “open innovation” platform created by six major companies: Atos, Dassault Systèmes, Orange, Groupe Renault, STMicroelectronics and Thales.
And so, just two years after its birth, Software République presented this future-oriented prototype. Automobile 100% electric and it should also be seen as a “laboratory on 4 wheels” that tests solutions that may appear on production models in the future. In fact, inside we find 20 innovations that one day, perhaps, we will be able to use.
H1st Vision was developed in just 6 months of work. Along with the “physical” vehicle, a “digital twin” has been created that moves in the virtual world, where modern independent systems (infrastructures, energy, utilities, users of various categories) communicate and interact with each other. This has allowed modeling, visualization and simulation of various use cases that may occur in the real world. Through its relationship with the environment, H1st vision establishes an ongoing dialogue with digital and physical ecosystems.
As mentioned at the beginning, the concept is a real concentrate of innovation and brings together a range of technologies in terms of mobility, focused on safety, well-being of passengers and the environment. For example, approaching a car, recognizing a pose and then a face allows you to access it and run it. The avatar, which is projected onto the window and then onto the center console display, greets the user and then guides them through all available functions.
In addition, several sensors allow monitor the health of residents and possibly in the event of an accident, H1st Vision may initiate a telephone or satellite call to alert rescue services.
Sensors located on the steering wheel of the H1st vision concept car are used to discreetly monitor the driver’s heart rate (and any changes) and electrocardiogram. However, another sensor located on the seat belt analyzes the breathing rate. Driver status information is shown on the driver display.
This is also controlled the degree of wear of the main elements of the car, such as battery and tires, to give the driver more confidence in the vehicle’s performance. In addition, the car can generate a “document” in the form of an NFT that certifies the state of the car.
The H1st vision concept car aims to simplify everyday mobility and electric vehicles in particular. On-board technology allows you to remotely find, book and pay for a parking space or charging point. Due to compatibility with V2G technology (bi-directional recharge), the concept, if necessary, will be able to return electricity to the grid using a PowerBox that will be used to V2G service mobilization which will debut on the Renault 5 electric car.
Being interconnected, the H1st vision concept car constantly uses data collected in real time and archived data from any ecosystem to which it is connected. The goal is to offer more protection to all users with a driver warning system that warns of imminent danger at the right moment so that he can react in time.
However, nothing was said about the mechanics. Therefore, there are no details about engines, battery and autonomy. After all, this is a concept designed specifically to showcase technologies that may appear in cars in the future.
Source: HD Motori
Ashley Fitzgerald is an accomplished journalist in the field of technology. She currently works as a writer at 24 news breaker. With a deep understanding of the latest technology developments, Ashley’s writing provides readers with insightful analysis and unique perspectives on the industry.