Traffic rules, short-term suspension of driver’s license when using a mobile phone while driving February 22, 2024 7

For Italian motorists short-term license suspensionbefore maximum 15 daysfor those who will be surprised use your smartphone while driving. As reported by Il Sole 24 Ore, the House Transportation Committee has completed its consideration of 770 amendments to the traffic law reform bill and approved an amendment that specifically addresses the use of mobile phones while driving.


Using a smartphone while driving is very dangerous because it distracts your attention. What does the traffic rules currently stipulate? Article 173 is clear:

The driver is prohibited from using radiotelephone devices while driving (smartphones, laptops, notebooks, tablets and similar devices that require even temporary removal of hands from the dashboard) or using headphones, with the exception of drivers of vehicles of the armed forces and the Corps referred to in paragraph 11 of Article 138 , and the police. The use of hands-free or headset-equipped devices is permitted provided that the driver has sufficient hearing capacity in both ears that does not require the use of hands for operation.

What sanctions are provided?

Anyone who violates the provisions mentioned in paragraph 2 is subject to an administrative penalty in the form of payment of an amount between 165 and 660 euros. An additional administrative sanction of driver’s license suspension for a period of one to three months applies if the same person commits a further violation within a two-year period.

What will change with the traffic rules reform? If you are caught using a cell phone while driving and if you have at least 10 points on your license but less than 20take it immediate suspension of driving license for one week. However, if the remaining points less than 10the suspension will be longer and will arrive in 15 days. In both cases, the suspension time will double if the use of the mobile phone results in an accident. No mini-disqualification if the license has at least 20 points.

The purpose of this innovation is clear: to discourage the use of smartphones while driving and improve road safety. Further upcoming changes that have been approved include an amendment that suspends interest on fines, setting the maximum cap at two-thirds of the total amount, i.e. 66%. Thus, we want citizens to no longer be forced to pay very high interest rates for failure to pay a fine, perhaps simply due to forgetfulness or impossibility of the moment.

All proposals will now have to pass through the House of Representatives and then the Senate before they can take effect.

Author: Filippo VendrameSOURCE

Source: HD Motori


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