Why have people been afraid of black cats for centuries?

Fear of these animals has existed for centuries.

Fear of black cats is inherent in many people and although they can’t explain it logically, they still try not to start them at home, and some even change course if a black cat gets in the way. Shelter workers say black cats have a harder time finding homes than other colored cats. According to The Нonest Kitchen portal, these fears are not new, and many superstitions emerged a long time ago.

Egyptian superstitions

One of the oldest superstitions about cats dates back to BC. It dates back to 3000 years. in Egypt. When the Egyptians started farming, they appreciated the hunting abilities of cats, which led people to see them as wonderful creatures. After all, no one has caught as many mice and rats as cats, so people have claimed that these little predators have supernatural qualities. The worship of these cats in Egypt came to the fore: they were equated with the gods and severely punished if anyone harmed them. For example, when a Roman soldier killed a black cat, the Egyptians took revenge on him by executing him.

The belief that cats have superpowers led to the emergence of one of the Egyptian gods, Bast (or Bastet). This is the ancient Egyptian goddess of joy, fun and love, female beauty, fertility, hearth and cat, depicted as a cat or a cat-headed woman. In the early dynasties, before the cat was domesticated, it was depicted as a lioness. The goddess was supposedly the protector of cats and it was forbidden to harm or kill an animal. For this reason, some historians believe that these bans, along with Bast’s protection, caused some of the population to fear cats. After all, fear is a reasonable response if you hurt a cat and face the death penalty for it.

black cats in greece

Only the fear of black cats originated in Greece, where black cats (not other color cats) were probably considered witches’ companions. In Greek mythology, Hecate, who could transform into a cat, was the goddess of the underworld. Over time and as mythology developed, witches became associated with witchcraft, magic, and ghosts. Many stories say that he has a black cat. Since black cats were associated with witches (not only in Greece, but all over Europe until then), they became a sign of bad luck, which made life very difficult for the four-legged. People respected cats for their hunting abilities, but if an illness or problem occurred, cats, especially black ones, were also to blame.

Myths and signs

Superstitions, fears, and prophecies about black cats resulted in many being killed at once. So people tried to eliminate possible negative consequences. Centuries ago in Italy, if a black cat jumped on a sick person’s bed, it was considered an omen of death. In Scotland, a black cat seen at a funeral or burial meant that one of those present would die soon. Dreaming of a black cat in America also meant death, but this time a family member. In many cultures, a black cat crossing the road means bad luck, and even today people believe it. There is a similar superstition among drivers, forcing them to seek detours.

Fortunately, myths, legends, and beliefs can and do change. In later times in England and Scotland, the appearance of a black cat on the porch meant good luck for the future. Also, a common superstition today is that a black cat should not pluck a white hair: it means that the cat will bring good luck, not trouble.

Remember why cats run around the apartment screaming at night.

Source: Focus


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