Status symbol. 8 Most Expensive Houseplants

The cost of some facilities exceeded hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Indoor plants are not only comfort and beauty in the house. Among other things, they can be an indicator of the status of their owner, because some flowers are very expensive and not everyone can afford. Focus He collected the most expensive plants and offered to evaluate each one together.

Variegated Monstera Adansonii Variegata

Among plant collectors, mottled monsters are considered a status symbol. It is one of the most expensive houseplants, and Adansonii variegata sold for $38,000, making it the most expensive plant ever. Monstera Adansonii variegata, also known as “plant with holes” or “philodendron monkey mask”, is a very rare and special plant due to its distinctive perforated leaves. In the wild, Monstera oblique grows in the tropical forests of South and Central America.

Variegated Mini Monstera (Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Albo)

A nine-leaf white variegated Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma sold for $27,000 in New Zealand. This exceeds the previous record set by a four-leaf yellow variegated variant bought for $8,000 by another New Zealander. Millie Sylvester, spokesperson for the Trade Me auction house, said Rafidophora has become “the most expensive houseplant ever sold.”

800 year old bonsai tree

$1.3 million was paid for this small white pine tree at the international bonsai show in Japan. This particular bonsai tree is known for its age, heritage, and many attractive features, including the shape and size of its trunk.

Shenzhen Nongke Orchid

When the Shenzhen Nongke Orchid was auctioned in 2005 for approximately $224,000, it was the most expensive flowering plant ever sold. It took scientists eight years to develop this flower in a university laboratory. It blooms only once every five years. The name of the buyer was not disclosed.

big monstera oblique

This unique plant is considered one of the eight most expensive houseplants. The main decoration of the oblique monstera are large glossy leaves with oblong slits located on long petioles. In mature specimens the leaves can be up to 90 cm long. The large Monstera Obliqua is often called “more holes than leaves.” One of the copies sold for $23,000.

Philodendron residue

In a factory store or online, a medium-sized philodendron usually costs over $400. Compared to their closest relatives, these plants look very different, and some also have different care needs. For example, because they grow fast and thrive in high humidity, they need more space to sprout their leaves.

Philodendron Pink Princess

Philodendron Pink Princess was nicknamed the “Pink Princess” because of the unusual color of the leaves. Pink is intricately intertwined with green to create a striking effect. It needs simple care, even a novice flower lover can do it. The plant enjoys well-deserved popularity in floriculture, although it bites the price. The fact is that not all young philodendrons of this species have a pink color, which is highly valued by flower growers, so it is more expensive to grow than usual.

The cost of purchasing such a flower can be high. Small specimens with 2-5 leaves sell for $100 to $300, while large plants with substantial variation can cost $1,000 or more.

Monster Esqueleto

Most rare herb stores and online retailers currently charge around $500 for the little “esqueleto” monster called. With its striking leaves reminiscent of a larger variety of the very popular Adansonia monstera, this plant is in high demand. The leaves of this plant can grow up to about 90 cm in length when fully developed.

remember before Focus wrote down which plants help get rid of mold.

Source: Focus


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