Affirmations of Love: How to Attract Success in Your Personal Life

Affirmations are a message to the universe, specific formulas whose repetition helps to achieve what is desired. Acknowledging the love of a particular person can help you build a happy relationship. Psychologists say that affirmations for love open in a person the acceptance of a partner in his life. We tell you exactly how and what to pronounce.

How do affirmations for love and happiness work?

Everything you say should not be done automatically, but by living every word and imagining what you say. For example, if you say you are loved and cared for, you should offer specific gestures that prove your partner’s love and concern for you.

You should repeat the affirmations out loud every day (best before going to bed and in the morning), preferably more than once. Make sure you are alone and say the affirmation clearly, loudly and confidently so that the message is clear.

Affirmations for love (for women)

Here are the most popular phrases you should repeat to improve your personal life

  • I love and am loved.
  • I get as much attention and care as I want.
  • I’m attractive and interesting, that’s why men like me.
  • I am beautiful and wise, therefore I am worthy of true love.
  • Soon I will meet the man of my dreams.
  • I love my body and mind.
  • I inspire those around me.
  • I am seductive and sexy.
  • I accept other people’s feelings.

Source: Focus


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