91-year-old supermodel on the cover of Vogue

Carmen Dell’Orefice started her modeling career in the middle of the last century. And she still jokes that there’s been more covers lately than when she was younger.

91-year-old supermodel Carmen Dell’Orefice has appeared on the cover of Vogue CS. She is one of the most famous models in the world. After all, she started acting at the age of 13. But if now Carmen is modeling for pleasure, then in her youth, as she said in an interview, she did it for a more mundane reason: not to starve.

Carmen Dell’Orefice was on the cover of Vogue Czechoslovakia and gave a short interview. Her modeling career spanning more than seventy years has landed her on the Guinness World Records list as the runway model with the longest career.

While Carmen seems calm and relaxed on camera, her life is a story of perseverance and hard work. She was born into a family of Hungarian and Italian immigrants and first started acting at the age of 13, but found out that the photos “failed” she.

However, already at the age of 15, he first appeared on the cover of Vogue and was already dissatisfied with the picture, believing that the photographer disfigured him and “looked like a man.”

Born into a poor family, he went roller skating at his first job to save money on food and rent for his mother. In the evening we sewed dresses for other models.

Seventy years later, Carmen, now represented by IconicFocus Models, decided to work with renowned photographer Albert Watson.

The model states that despite her advanced age, she feels great. And she talks about her difficult childhood without decorations. The beginning of her career is very different from the way modern girls began to work in the world of fashion.

Carmen remembers her parents divorced, so only her mother raised her during the Great Depression. He has performed on Broadway, including in the famous Siegfried Show.

“Until I was five, my life was backstage, waiting for my mother to get off the stage and take me home,” Carmen says, as they frequently change modest apartments, where there isn’t even a separate bed for her.

“My father was a violinist, played in the symphony orchestra, traveled all the time and sent us as much money as he could during the crisis years. They tried to live with her mother a few times but failed. Sometimes whole years passed between our meetings,” says the supermodel. They were close to their father and she died in his arms at the age of 73.

“I became a model quite by accident. I didn’t even see anything glamorous about it. It was just a job I did well to make money and help my mom at least a little bit,” Carmen says.

His relationship with fashion started with Vogue patterns. Carmen’s mother sewed for them and ordered the sewing machine, but sometimes she had to pawn the machine at a pawnshop to buy groceries and pay rent.

“If the circumstances were a little different, maybe I could have been a designer,” the model jokes.

According to Carmen, without the model, she would need to understand all the intricacies of how everything works.

“I still have to find a way to reach people, fight my own laziness and laziness, get involved and take care of it, try to do the right thing even when no one is around. Modeling has become an excellent source of finance. I have been able to master the profession and at the same time learn how the world I am a part of works and I try to be a part of it every single day of my life” Carmen Dell’Orefice loves seeing and trying on the most fashionable new clothes, as well as meeting and communicating with talented and smart people.

remember before Focus She told the story of Carmen Dell’Orefice and how she posed nude at the age of 91.

Source: Focus


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