Without effort and sport. 5 Best Foods for a Flat Stomach

Would you like to have a flat stomach without tiring yourself with the physical exercises you will do in the gym? Everything is real!

It has been proven that even strenuous exercise will not save you from excess abdominal fat, but a balanced diet will help. Incorporate these five foods into your daily diet and you will see results instantly. writes realbuzz.com


One of the main factors that can prevent you from getting results may be a lack of water in your diet. When you don’t have enough fluid in your body, it can cause bloating, making the problem worse. Drinking plenty of water can help curb hunger, flush out toxins, improve digestive health, and reduce fluid retention.

To take advantage of all these benefits, you need to drink at least 8 glasses a day. Choose low-calorie, non-carbonated beverages. It doesn’t just have to be water, green tea is also a great option and is said to have fat-burning properties. Avoid carbonated drinks on a flat stomach diet, as they can cause bloating.


Fruit can be your secret weapon in your fight for a flat stomach. Studies have shown that eating red or blue berries (like cherries, blueberries, blackberries, and red grapes) can help you shed excess belly fat. The chemicals that give the fruits their vibrant color also help burn fat in the stomach.


Flaxseed contains monounsaturated fats (MUFAs), which are essential for a flat stomach diet. The MUFAs found in flax seeds will help lower body fat and cholesterol levels that the saturated fats found in unhealthy foods cannot. Liz Vaccariello, author flat stomach diet booksadvocates incorporating more of these healthy fats into our diets, especially for those who want to get rid of belly fat.

Flaxseed is ideal not only for those who want to have a flat stomach, but also for people who often suffer from bloating. Due to their high fiber content, the seeds will keep your digestive system healthy and also reduce bloating. They can easily be included in your daily diet: a tablespoon of ground flaxseed is ideal for a lunch salad, smoothie or morning cereal.


Low in fat and calories, yogurt can be an excellent food for a flat stomach diet. Thanks to its probiotics, it helps improve your digestion and fights bloating and excess gas – these active cultures stimulate the growth of good bacteria in your gut. One of its main benefits is that yogurt fits easily into your diet, whether it’s a quick snack or part of your main meal.

A University of Tennessee study found that participants who ate 500ml of yogurt a day (and also reduced their overall calorie intake) lost an average of 81% more belly fat, compared to those who chose a yogurt-free diet. It is also an excellent source of minerals and vitamins: zinc, iodine, potassium and vitamin B5.

whole grains

Adding more whole grains to your diet is an effective way to lose excess weight. These foods are a great slow-release, low-fat source of energy that keeps you going all day and feeling full for longer. Whole grains also have the added benefit of preventing fat accumulation in the stomach area by lowering insulin and cortisol (stress hormone) levels in the body.

Wheat is a staple whole grain in most people’s diets, but it’s often not the best choice.

Since wheat is difficult to digest, it can make you feel bloated. To follow a flat stomach diet, choose grains that are still in their natural form, such as oats, spelt, brown rice, and buckwheat. Also try quinoa, although it is a seed, you can use it as a grain substitute.

Previously Focus wrote how to lose weight in 7 days without dieting and training

This material is for informational purposes only and does not contain advice that may affect your health. If you have problems, contact a professional.

Source: Focus


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