Civilian casualties and extrajudicial executions in sight

In the Iraqi border village of Tutakal, 43-year-old Aram Haji Kaka Khan and 50-year-old Ismail Ibrahim heard the airstrike in the early morning of April 17 this year. Hours later, the relatives approached the scene and loaded the wounded into their vehicle, which was blown to pieces when a Turkish army TAF drone hit them with a missile. They were the first civilian victims of Operation Claw Lock, according to Community Peacemaker Teams.

This week, when the Pentagon killed al-Zahaviri, he was careful to emphasize that there were no civilian casualties. In a show about remote-controlled murders, characterized by inaccuracies, this was real news. A data leak from the US Army has made it possible to calculate that between 2010 and 2020, between 910 and 2,200 civilians were killed during approximately 14,000 “special operations”, of which five thousand could be minors, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism points out. who handled the paperwork.

In any case, there is a “lack of transparency”, points out Amnesty International (AI). These selective killings and the civilian casualties they imply “violate the prohibition against arbitrary deprivation of life,” AI says. In international law, they are considered “extrajudicial executions” unless an attempt is made to “detain suspected criminals”, unless they are “armedly resisting”, unless they “pose an imminent threat” or receive “advance warning”. .

Source: El Correo


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