Carlos Speitzer sends message to Manelik Gonzalez about restoration, will there be reconciliation?

After Manelik was taken to the hospital after a hard fall in “Las Estrellas Bailan en Hoy”the participant of the morning reality show reappeared on the screens in a neck brace and explained her medical diagnosis, where she confirmed: “I have a concussion, sprain of the cervix, post-traumatic tendonitis, that is, I don’t even know how to pronounce it, but everything is so that they won’t see me for a few days.”

Despite the fact that he went out in front of the cameras to say that he was fine, dozens of followers wanted to know about his health condition, and not only followers, Also friends and former partners from other reality shows, this is where those who wrote to Manet were curious, because there is no reality show that she would not come out of in the midst of controversy.

That is why on the afternoon of Thursday, November 17, already slightly recovered, but still with a neck brace, Manet decided to make a live broadcast, where he talked a little about everything, admitting that his dance partner sent him a message and he did not. It was Josh or Colt.

It was none other than Carlos Speitzer, with whom he had a lot of disagreements in recent weeks, because although they were great friends and there were even rumors that they might be having an affair, now it seems that they cannot even be seen in painting. .

Manelik revealed on his live stream this Thursday that the “ex-beans,” as he affectionately calls Sppeitzer, have postponed their fights and sent a messageThis surprised the exacashor and assured him that it seemed like a big detail from the actor’s point of view.

In addition to revealing that Carlos Speitzer contacted her, Mane once again said “bobis” and not “ex bobis”, so it is assumed that they may soon make up and become friends again, in addition, it also showed a small “Powerpuff Girls” doll “. Girls”, which the actor gave him, and assures that this gift is used very often.

Author: Diego Valencia
Source: La Opinion


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