The spiritual meaning of finding money on the street: for good or for bad luck

People who have found money on the street They may think that they are very lucky, because not everyone crosses the road with coins and bills, as if it were a gift from heaven. In addition to feeling lucky there is a spiritual message from the universe.

The higher energy of the cosmos or divine beings such as angels try to communicate with us in many ways, and for this they use manifestations that we may consider random, but in fact they are not, therefore they are considered experts in this matter.

For example, according to angelic numerology, angels use repeated numbers to tell us that they hear our prayers. If you regularly look at the sequence of numbers in your life, such as looking at the clock at 11:11 sharp and then looking at 1111 on a ticket, phone, address, etc., it means you are tuned in to them. Something similar happens when you find money on the street.

What does it mean spiritually to find money on the street?

When economic problems are overwhelming or there is not enough money, and you suddenly find bills or coins on the floor, the spiritual message is that divine beings are aware of your worries and remember that the universe will help you move forward.

Coins or bills we found on the floor they are the physical manifestation of our own luck, explained the Mystic Tarot YouTube channel in the video, so this gift of the universe should not be discarded if the value is low. You express humility and a good heart when you bow to the ground for this penny.

What ritual to perform when you find money on the street?

If you are one of the lucky ones who found money on the street the first thing you should do is take it. Then repeat “thank you, thank you, thank you” 3 times, and when you get home, immediately wash the coin or bill with soap and water to remove negative energy. Place it in the sun for 30 minutes to recharge it with positive energy, and take this money with you for at least 30 days so that luck stays with you.

If you are able and willing, keep this coin or bill in your wallet or wherever you keep your savings to serve as your talisman.

Author: Miguel Angel Castillo
Source: La Opinion


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