Today’s Chinese horoscope for February 7: predictions for each sign

The fire monkey will be the ruler of the day, and its energy will influence all actions related to money and finances. The tiger, its antagonist, will obviously suffer the most from this. On the other hand, it is also desirable to make some kind of “sacrifice”, such as getting up earlier or spending less time on social networks, offering it for something important, and thus improving the energy of the day.

He Chinese horoscope consists of 12 animal signs And To find out which one matches you, just check your birth year. The Eastern zodiac consists of 12-year cycles, each of which is ruled by a sign, 2022 corresponds to the year of the Tiger, so its energy will affect the rest of the horoscope.

It’s also important that you factor in your birthday because, according to what Chinese astrology indicates, the year only starts before February 4th. Because of this, people born before this day will be ruled by the animal of the previous year. Thus, if your date of birth is January 10, 2003, then your zodiac sign will be the Horse, since the year of the Goat has not yet begun.

Rat (1936 – 1948 – 1960 – 1972 – 1984 – 1996 – 2008 – 2020)

The suggestion that the monkey gives to the rat is to gain new knowledge related to his current job. Those ruled by the rat are usually quite experiential, but at this time it is necessary that they hone their skills and also certify them, as this will soon open new and wonderful doors for them.

Bull (1937 – 1949 – 1961 – 1973 – 1985 – 1997 – 2009 – 2021)

Today’s main recommendation is for single bulls. You might meet someone you really like today, but it’s best to take your time and give yourself enough time to get to know each other. If they do not act in this way, the relationship may be short-lived and conflict. On the other hand, the monkey suggests that all oxen be careful with their belongings, because they may leave them somewhere forgotten.

Tiger (1938 – 1950 – 1962 – 1974 – 1986 – 1998 – 2010 – 2022)

With the monkey against him and without the energy of the year, the tiger would have had a hard time. Because of this, the best thing they can do is stay within their normal routine and try to keep a low profile. Avoid attending meetings unless absolutely necessary and, if possible, return home early. Today they need to rest a little more than usual.

Rabbit (1939 – 1951 – 1963 – 1975 – 1987 – 1999 – 2011)

The Regent of the Day suggests that the Regent of the Year keep an eye on his finances. This is not the day to spend or lend money, let alone borrow. Your budget will be at stake, and it is important to take extreme measures to avoid significant financial losses and problems with people close to you.

Dragon (1940 – 1952 – 1964 – 1976 – 1988 – 2000 – 2012)

The dragon’s love affair is being thwarted by a third party. And it’s not just about infidelity, it can also be a person who can’t stand seeing the dragon happy and wants to upset him. Because of this, the monkey suggests that they ignore the comments they make today. Talk to your partner first and clarify the situations that may arise, because if you act lightly, you will regret it very soon.

Snake (1941 – 1953 – 1965 – 1977 – 1989 – 2001 – 2013)

Those who were born in the years of the snake could meet a person who would become their benefactor. This “noble person”, as Chinese astrology calls them, will be quite interested in your abilities and what you are doing and will want to support you. Take advantage of this good energy and leave the house. Attend all meetings and events to which you are invited, and cast aside the shyness inherent in this sign. Today you must shine.

Horse (1942 – 1954 – 1966 – 1978 – 1990 – 2002 – 2014)

Good communication will not be on the side of the horse. Because of this, they can be expressed erroneously and cause misunderstandings in which even third parties can be involved, which exacerbates the situation. The monkey offers to light a blue candle and drink plenty of water. This will help them balance the energy.

Goat (1943 – 1955 – 1967 – 1979 – 1991 – 2003 – 2015)

For those born in the years of the Goat, it is better to monitor their health. Today they are at risk of contracting an infectious disease that will complicate their plans for the week. Try to stay away from crowded places and take extreme precautions. Today more than ever, you are better off avoiding rather than treating.

Monkey (1944 – 1956 – 1968 – 1980 – 1992 – 2004 – 2016)

The ruler of the day can get an interesting job or a business proposal. Possibly the best in a long time. But before you get carried away with selfishness and ambition, take a close look at whether you have the ability and desire to take on this new challenge. If they have any doubts, then it is better to refrain from accepting, as they can get involved in serious problems. Something better is coming soon and it will fully adapt to what you are and what you want.

Rooster (1945 – 1957 – 1969 – 1981 – 1993 – 2005 – 2017)

The rooster could be involved in gossip and malicious comments, especially from competitors. As offensive and hypocritical as they are, ignore them and don’t get sucked into their game. On this day, they will also face unexpected expenses related to damage in their home or work. Do not worry, because the money you use today to correct this situation will soon return to you multiplied.

Dog (1946 – 1958 – 1970 – 1982 – 1994 – 2006 – 2018)

A man will approach a dog to entrust him with an important secret. It is of the utmost importance that you guard it as if it were your own, for if you do anything reckless, you may get many people into serious trouble and cause a serious dispute among them. Apart from the fact that people will lose the trust placed in you.

Pig (1947 – 1959 – 1971 – 1983 – 1995 – 2007 – 2019)

Discussions and problems will arise within the core of the pig family. The monkey invites you to face the situation and help resolve the conflict with an objective, mature and conciliatory stance. If, on the contrary, those who are controlled by the pig decide to ignore what is happening or try to take advantage of the differences between other people, they will only turn against them and isolate them.

Author: Opinion
Source: La Opinion


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