‘Wonder baby’ who survived under tons of rubble in Turkey reunited with his family

The earthquake in Turkey and Syria continues to claim thousands of lives, many of them children and others orphans; however, Bircea has become a symbol of hope and therefore it is called the “miracle baby”.

The story of the 8-month-old baby is already a fact in itself, but knowing the details about her family will break your heart.

It turns out that When Bierce was rescued, they had no idea what her name was or if her family was still alive, so there was no way to identify her.but the distribution of his photo helped to find out who it was.

It turns out that Fansa’s life was devastated by earthquakes. Nilay Fansa and her husband Chengiz saw how fate destroyed their home and part of their family from one moment to the next.

A massive earthquake trapped a family under the rubble of what was their seven-story apartment building in Kahramanmaras, Turkey.

The first member to come out of the collapse was Nilai Fansa, followed by her 4-year-old daughter Nil, and finally her husband Cengiz came out last. The family consisted of three girls, and, unfortunately, little Alin, who is only 2 years old, was the only one who did not survive.

The body of the middle child, 2-year-old Alina, was found four days after the earthquake, and Fansas assumed that baby Bierce was also dead.

However, a miracle happened one of the neighbors said he heard a “cat” meow. It was then when he followed the sound that he discovered that it was little Bryce.which was among the rubble.

According to her mother’s own version, the baby was thrown from the fifth floor of the building, “in fact, she fell out of the window”, which did not allow her to die in the room, which was completely destroyed.

After Bierce was rescued, he spent five days in intensive care with a broken leg, a fractured skull, and some brain bleeding. None of her rescuers identified her, so social media users shared photos in the hope of finding her family.

This is how the Fanas learned that their child had survived. Through messages on social media, the family identified baby Bierce and learned that she was taken to Adana City Teaching and Research Hospital, the largest trauma hospital in the earthquake zone, where they finally met.

Author: Opinion
Source: La Opinion


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