A woman in England thought she had found a ‘dinosaur’ claw: vets disagree (photo)

British Laura Moorcroft was sure that the claw found belonged to a “dinosaur”, but her assumption was rejected by a Harvard University biologist.

Laura Moorcroft, 36, of Buckley, Wales, came across what she said was the claw of a prehistoric monster. She turned to experts at Chester Zoo and a local veterinarian for answers. Reported by Ladbible.

The British woman said that she and her husband noticed a piece of the animal’s paw after walking and thought it might belong to a dinosaur.

“It looks prehistoric to us. It’s a scaly claw that might have belonged to a lizard. We’re big fans of Jurassic Park, so we immediately thought it came from a dinosaur,” Laura said.

Moorcroft also explained why the security cameras in his garden were not able to capture the image of the mysterious creature. They were too far away to photograph the mysterious animal.

The woman’s message caused active discussion on social networks. Many assumed it was a bird’s claw, while others thought the claw might belong to an alligator, crocodile or turtle. Chester Zoo staff and the local vet were stunned by the find, but speculated that it might be a turkey or a pheasant. The British woman is sure that the claw found belonged to a “dinosaur,” but her assumption was refuted by a Harvard University biologist.

“The first birds were almost identical to late Velociraptor embryos, they were also feathered and about the same size as turkeys,” said Arkhat Abzhanov.

Previously Focus He wrote that they plan to sell the skeleton of a tyrannosaurus rex at auction in Switzerland. According to paleontologist Hans Jakob-Sieber, the remains are rare, and most are already in US museums, so all other fossils of the giant predator that were previously put up for sale aroused great interest.

Scientists have also reportedly discovered the remains of a dinosaur with the largest neck of any animal. The neck of the Chinese sauropod was six times longer than that of a giraffe. Thanks to this ancient animal, which crossed a double-decker bus, it was able to reach resources that other species could not reach.

Source: Focus


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