San Antonio, TX: Today’s weather, Wednesday, September 6th.

If you live in San Antonio or visit this city in South Texas, it’s important to know firsthand what the weather will be like this Wednesday, September 6th. From hot summers to occasional floods, it’s important to know what to expect and how to prepare for today’s day in the city.

Most of the day in San Antonio will be partly cloudy. The maximum temperature will be 102 degrees Fahrenheit (39 ºC) during the central hours of the day, and the minimum temperature will be 77 degrees Fahrenheit (25 ºC). Late night. A southeasterly wind is also expected, which could reach 6.84 mph this day. The percentage of cloudiness will be 12%.

The mean atmospheric pressure will be 1012.6 hPa and this measurement will be constant. The sun will rise at 7:14 am and sunset will occur at 7:50 pm, which means a total of 13 hours of daylight.

When does it rain in San Antonio?

According to AccuWeather, there is a 1% chance of rain in San Antonio, Texas.. San Antonio’s rainy season typically runs from May to October, with September being the month with the most rainfall.

Weather tomorrow in San Antonio, Texas

The weather forecast for San Antonio, Texas, promises some cloudiness for tomorrow. Temperatures will range from 77 to 102 degrees Fahrenheit (25 to 39 degrees Celsius).

Weather forecast for San Antonio for the next 7 days

Find out the assessment of the weather in San Antonio (TX) for the next week according to the main indicators: temperature, chance of rain, wind and barometric pressure.

Weather in San Antonio, Texas

San Antonio, Texas is known for its warm climate, with summer temperatures often exceeding 90°F. The city has a humid subtropical climate, which means mild winters and hot summers.

The average annual temperature in San Antonio is 70° F. However, temperatures vary considerably by season.

During the summer months, thermometers can reach 100° F, so it’s important to stay hydrated and avoid going outside during the hottest part of the day. In contrast, winter temperatures in San Antonio are mild and pleasant, averaging around 50° F.

Check out the San Antonio weather news at

Author: Opinion
Source: La Opinion


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