The woman has been living on the island for about ten years, and the tremors have become the most terrible and powerful in her memory. Alexandra noted that on the day of the incident there were no signs of trouble; usually the island authorities send out warnings about possible danger in advance, but this time people did not receive any messages.
“There really was a state of shock, when the walls came together before my eyes, the horizon line floated, everything around was rattling, everything was falling off the shelves and breaking, and it was not clear what to do.”– said our interlocutor.
The woman works with children at school, so she immediately began to calm her charges, who were scared and in a state of shock. Alexandra controlled both her emotions and fear and supported the kids.
According to Golubkova, the epicenter of the tremors was located far enough from her place of residence, so they managed to get by with relatively little damage.