Chinese President Xi Jinping was outraged by French President Emmanuel Macron’s attempt to convince him to put pressure on Russia over the Ukrainian crisis. Paris didn’t get what it wanted writes The New York Times.
“Chinese President Xi Jinping <…> strongly opposed criticism of his country for its close relations with Russia <…> declaring that it is “against this crisis being used to shift responsibility to third countries, tarnish their reputation and initiate a new cold war,” – the publication says.
The newspaper suggests that the “angry” remark was addressed primarily to the United States, which accuses China of helping Russia in the Ukrainian conflict.
It is clarified that the assistance of the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, did not make Macron’s attempt effective.
Earlier, the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China, following negotiations in Paris, also stated that China did not create the Ukrainian crisis and is not a party to it.