Mother of Russian Hostage Held in Gaza Speaks Out About Hamas Captivity

Photo: © REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah

Elena Trufanova, the mother of the last Russian hostage, Alexander Trufanov, who is being held in Gaza, said Izvestia about the conditions of his detention in captivity by the Palestinian movement Hamas.

Elena reported that other hostages also faced severe food shortages while in Hamas captivity.

“There were problems with food. They fed us normally only for the first few days. Then the food ran out. They mostly gave us pita bread. There was a girl in our group – 5 and a half years old. And if they occasionally brought us, for example, boiled chicken, we tried to leave it all for the girl,” – the woman emphasized.

She added that these difficult conditions in Hamas captivity were made worse by high humidity and lack of light, as well as mold.

“There were days when there was no light. The humidity, of course, is very high in the dungeons. Everything that was dry becomes wet instantly. Nothing dries. Everything is moldy,” – concluded Trufanova.

Earlier, the Israeli embassy in Russia reported the publication of videos with Alexander Trufanov by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The diplomatic mission noted that the man was kidnapped along with his grandmother, mother, and fiancee. The women were later returned to Israel during a hostage deal. Trufanov’s father was killed in a Hamas attack. In addition to Israeli citizenship, Alexander also has Russian citizenship, the embassy clarified.

Source: Ren


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