Students create the world’s most efficient hydrogen car (photo)

The prototype Eco-Runner XIII was developed by the student team Eco-Runner Team Delft from Delft. They are sure that in the future the car will receive a serial version.

The Netherlands has developed a unique hydrogen car, the Eco-Runner XIII, that could break the world record for driving range. This was reported on the NL Times website.

The prototype was developed by the Eco-Runner Team Delft student team from Delft. They stated that their cars could travel a record distance without refueling.

To break the record, the prototype would have to travel 2,056 kilometers on less than a kilogram of hydrogen. This car will help improved aerodynamics.

The body of the Eco-Runner XIII turned out to be as modern as possible. Externally, the car resembles a futuristic capsule.

Prototype tires have 300 times lower coefficient of friction than standard tires. The controls consume little energy, which positively affects the maximum range.

Students are confident that the Eco-Runner XIII may receive a production version in the future. According to them, people will want to get an economical and compact transportation.

Previously Focus He said British company HVS is working on two self-driving hydrogen trucks.

Source: Focus


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