Ballet coach called exercises useful for the figure

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Photo: © Unsplash

Akulina Bakhturina, senior coach of the international network of ballet and stretching studios, spoke about the six best ballet exercises to maintain the figure and overall body tone. Her advice published Marie Claire.

Bakhturina recommended starting classes with stretching the legs. To do this, lying on your back, you need to pinch the buttocks, tighten the muscles of the thighs and tighten the kneecaps. After that, you need to stretch the muscles of the legs and pull the feet towards you with force, hold this position for a few seconds and relax. Repeat 20 times.

Next, the coach suggests proceeding to the Relevé, that is, to the ascent to the half-toes. To perform it correctly, you need to put your feet together, squeeze your buttocks and tighten your pelvis so that the tailbone is directed exactly to the floor. At the same time, the back should be kept straight, and the stomach should be pulled in as much as possible. After that, you can proceed to the exercise itself – without spreading your heels, slowly rise to your toes, stretch as high as possible, and then lower very gently. Perform several times, increasing the pace.

After Relevé, you can move on to Plié, a special choreographic way of squatting. In the initial stages, it is recommended to perform it with your back against the wall. Heels should be brought together, socks – apart. Straighten your back and press against the wall. In this position, begin to squat, without lifting your heels from the floor, and your back from the wall. Sit down as deep as possible without lifting your heels. Having reached the lowest possible point, also without lifting your back from the wall, you must climb up. If you can’t do the exercise with your heels together, you can spread them a distance of one foot.

Next, the trainer suggests moving on to arm training and doing the Port de bras exercise. It consists in forming a circle with your hands, as if you are holding a watermelon at waist level. In this position, from the shoulder, you need to move your hands up and down. After that, spread your arms wider, as if hugging a tree, and again raise and lower your arms. Well, and, finally, the hands in the shape of an oval must be raised above the head and held in this position, or “spring a little”.

The fifth exercise will be “Corner”. It consists in sitting on the floor on the ass, straightening the legs and back. And, keeping such a right angle between the body and legs, it is necessary to take the body back, raising the legs from the floor, and fix in this position for as long as possible.

In conclusion, it is proposed to make the rise of the hull. To do this, lie on your stomach, stretch your legs and stretch your arms in front of you. In this position, while inhaling, it is necessary to raise the body as high as possible, and while exhaling, return to its original position. Run eight times, with the last try to stay at the top as long as possible.

Source: Ren


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