Unusual virus “Rapunzel”: scientists consider it an evolutionary miracle

The extremely long tail of a bacteriophage makes it possible to understand how viruses that infect bacteria come together.

A recent study has revealed the secret behind an evolutionary miracle: a bacteriophage with an extremely long tail. This unusual tail is part of a virus that lives in inhospitable hot springs and feeds some of the most powerful bacteria on the planet.

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Bacteriophages are a group of viruses that infect and reproduce in bacteria and are the most common and diverse living things on Earth.

“Bacteriophages, or phages for short, are everywhere there is bacteria, including the dirt and water in your environment and your own body’s microbial ecosystem,” said Emily Aniello, graduate student and lead author at the University of Massachusetts Chan School of Medicine. study.

Unlike many viruses that infect humans and animals and contain only one compartment, phages consist of a tail attached to a spiked, prism-like protein coat containing their DNA.

Like hairstyles, phage tails differ in length and style: some are long and fluffy, while others are short and stiff. While most phages have short, microscopic tails, the tail of “bacteriophage Rapunzel” P74-26 is 10 times longer than others, almost 1 micrometer long, which is the width of some spiders’ silk. The nickname “Rapunzel” comes from a fairy tale where a girl with very long hair is locked in a tower by an evil witch.

Brian Kelch, assistant professor of biochemistry and molecular biotechnology who led the study, described P74-26 as having a “monstrous tail.”

Phage tails are important for piercing bacteria covered with a dense, viscous substance. P74-26’s long tail allows it to penetrate and infect the toughest bacteria. Not only does P74-26 have a very long tail, it is also the most stable phage, allowing it to survive and infect bacteria living in hot springs where temperatures can reach up to 76°C. Find out why and how it can exist in such extreme conditions.

To work with a phage that thrives at such high temperatures, Agnello had to change the conditions of his experiments to collect the phage’s tail in a test tube. According to Kelch, Aniello has created a system where he can quickly self-assemble the tail.

“Each tail of a phage is made up of many small building blocks that come together to form a long tube. Our research has shown that these building blocks can change shape or conformation as they come together,” says Agnello. so that the building blocks can connect with each other and create the correct structure of the tail tube.”

The researchers used high-power imaging techniques as well as computer simulations and discovered that the building blocks of the tail lean against each other to stabilize themselves.

“We used a technique called cryoelectron microscopy, which is a huge microscope that lets you take thousands of photos and short videos at very high magnifications,” Aniello said, fitting the blocks together.

They found that the P74-26 uses a “ball and slot” mechanism to lock itself. In addition, the tail consists of vertically stacked rings of molecules forming a hollow channel.

“I like to think of these phage building blocks as something like Lego. Lego has studs on one side and holes or slots on the other. When built from Lego, the slots start to open up to allow for spikes in other Lego,” Kelch said. to create a larger structure. This movement is an important way of self-regulating the assembly of these phage building blocks.”

Kelch noted that compared to most phages, P74-26 uses half as many building blocks to form the rings that form the tail.

“We think that an ancient virus combined its building blocks into a single protein. Imagine two small Lego bricks fused into a large seamless brick. This long tail is made of larger and stronger building blocks,” explains Kelch. “We think it can stabilize the tail at high temperatures. “

The researchers now plan to use genetic manipulation to change the length of a phage’s tail and see how this changes its behavior.

Phages are found in almost every corner of the world and are important to various industries such as health, environmental protection and food safety. Also, long-tailed phages such as P74-26 have been used in preliminary clinical trials to treat certain bacterial infections.

“Bacteriophages are gaining increasing attention as an alternative to antibiotics to treat bacterial infections. By studying phage assembly, we can better understand how these viruses interact with bacteria, which could lead to the development of more effective phage-based therapies,” Agnello said. … I believe that working on unique, interesting things can lead to discoveries and applications we can’t even imagine.”

Previously Focus He wrote about hunting zombies. Scientists have awakened a virus that has been dormant in frozen soil for the past 50,000 years.

Source: Focus


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