Here’s how GPT-4 Chat was able to save a dog’s life

Twitter user @peakcooper shared a very interesting experience with GPT-4 artificial intelligence. In his post, he explained that your dog was sick and received treatment prescribed by a veterinarian that temporarily improved his condition. However, the dog was getting worse very quickly, and the specialist did not know what the reason was.

“After my dog ​​was diagnosed with a tick-borne disease, the veterinarian prescribed appropriate treatment, and despite severe anemia, his condition seemed to improve relatively well. However, after a few days it got even worse, ”said the user on the social network.

That’s when @peakcooper decided to use GPT-4 to try and find a solution. The AI ​​analyzed the symptoms and was able to identify the dog’s problem: immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, or IMHA. It is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks red blood cells, which can lead to a number of health problems.

“It occurred to me that medical diagnostics seemed like something GPT4 could be really good at, so I detailed the situation. I gave him the actual transcribed blood test results for a few days and asked for a diagnosis, ”said the user.

With GPT-4 identifying the disease, @peakcooper was able to take his dog to the vet for proper treatment and save his life.. The speed and accuracy of AI played a major role in finding the problem, demonstrating the potential of this technology for healthcare.

Finally, the user indicated that With this type of technology, it is difficult to imagine what the process of diagnosing diseases will be like in about 20 years. both in humans and animals.

This case also highlights the importance of human-technology collaboration to improve healthcare.. Advances in artificial intelligence are enabling healthcare professionals to make faster and more accurate diagnoses, which can lead to better care and save lives.

Author: Julian Castillo
Source: La Opinion


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