Knuckle crunch: Does it really cause arthritis, doctors say

Our parents reassured us that cracking the knuckles frequently would cause arthritis, but the doctors decided to look into the issue.

A respected rheumatologist, Dr. According to Robert Schmerling, knuckle snapping is often described as a “stress relief” technique. For some it’s a manifestation of a nervous tic, for others it’s just another annoying habit, writes HealthDay.

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So what actually causes the “pop” sound when we snap our fingers? A professor of rheumatology at the University of California, Dr. Tanda Aung admits that a concrete explanation is difficult due to the lack of sufficient research. However, he proposes two main theories. According to one of them, noise occurs as a result of rapid movement of structures such as bones, tendons and ligaments in the finger. Another hypothesis has to do with joint fluid (the lubricant in our joints) and the gas bubbles that form in this fluid. In this case, it is assumed that the popping sound is caused by the movement of these gas bubbles in the narrow space of the knuckles.

However, the question remains: does cracking knuckles cause arthritis? Citing previous research on the link between knuckle snapping and hand function, Aung says the evidence is not entirely conclusive. In the study, knuckle crunchers showed hand swelling and reduced grip strength, but no clear link was found between knuckle crunch and osteoarthritis. However, Dr. Aung warns that sustained and prolonged manipulation of the joints can lead to joint damage. He strongly advocates more comprehensive, long-term studies to explore the possible association with degenerative joint disease.

For those who want to break the habit of snapping their fingers, Dr. Aung has some suggestions. This is often a reaction to stress and anxiety, so finding alternative coping mechanisms can be effective. She recommends incorporating breathing exercises and meditation into your daily routine, as they have proven physical and psychological benefits. She also recommends keeping your hands busy with activities like stress balls, using stress balls, and even painting. Keeping in touch with others, keeping a journal, exercising, and eating healthy are also helpful strategies for coping with anxiety and stress.

In conclusion, while it has not been conclusively proven that knuckle cracking causes arthritis, it may be worth replacing this potentially harmful habit with healthier stress management strategies. Don’t let the clicking or cracking of your joints affect your health.

Previously Focus He wrote about an unexpected cause of arthritis development. The study suggested that fumes from wood stoves and barbecues could trigger rheumatoid arthritis in a strange way.

Moreover, Focus He wrote that scientists have found a cure for one of the oldest diseases. University of California researchers have developed a new molecular model of arthritis by focusing on the joint lubricant protein lubris.

This material is for informational purposes only and does not contain advice that may affect your health. If you have problems, contact a professional.

Source: Focus


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