Reckless in the Milky Way. Scientists told how fast black holes develop in space (video)

Scientists say black holes currently fly through the universe at just under 10% of the speed of light.

According to a study published in the journal Physical Review Letters, ScienceAlert writes that scientists were able to calculate the velocities of black holes after two such objects emerged as a result of a collision.

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Scientists now know that many black holes collide with each other, forming a more massive black hole. However, this final product of the collision does not necessarily occupy the same space as the two black hole systems before the merger. Depending on the initial mass and rotational speed of the two black holes, the object formed after the merger could begin to move through space at tremendous speed.

So far, scientists have discovered a black hole flying through space after the collision. Its speed is about 1542 km/h. Previous studies have shown that the maximum speed of a black hole in this case can be around 5000 km/s.

For comparison, the fastest artificial object of terrestrial origin today is the Parker spacecraft, which studies the Sun. Two years ago, it had accelerated to 163 km/h.

The scientists created a new simulation of the collision of two black holes of approximately the same mass and found that the maximum speed of the final object after merger could reach 28,562 km/s (plus or minus 342 km/h) or more. 100,000,000 km/h. And that’s a little less than 10% of the speed of light.

This is very important information for research involving black holes. For example, astronomers know that there are black holes in space that are much more massive than theories suggest. This fact can be explained by the large number of such objects flying in the Universe. After all, the more they fly and the higher their speed, the more chance they have to collide with their own kind and gain massive mass.

According to scientists, even as you read this, a large number of black holes are flying through space, including the Milky Way. But they are unlikely to collide with Earth.

It is important to understand that black holes have different masses and sizes. This scientific article was about stellar-mass black holes that appear after the death of giant stars. At the center of our galaxy is a supermassive black hole that will collide with another black hole only a few billion years from now. This will happen as a result of the merger of the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy.

Focus He has already written that his Webb telescope has revealed the secrets of the most famous nebula. Astronomers have obtained a stunning new image of the 1-light-year-wide Ring Nebula. The results impressed astronomers.

Moreover Focus He wrote that scientists have explained how true the astronomer Carl Sagan’s famous statement that all humans are made of stars is true.

Source: Focus


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