A unique structure on Mars: ESA spacecraft showed what the Night Labyrinth looks like (video)

With the help of a new video, you can take a real “flight” over the largest maze on the Red Planet.

Scientists from the European Space Agency (ESA) presented a video consisting of images of the Mars surface taken by the Mars Express spacecraft. Thanks to this video, you can take a “flight” over the largest labyrinth of the Red Planet, called the Night Labyrinth. This video was published on the ESA website.

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Between the giant canyon system on Mars called Valles Marineris and the region with the highest volcanoes in the solar system called the Tharsis State lies the Night Labyrinth, the largest labyrinth on Mars. This is a huge system of deep and steep canyons, approximately 1200 km long. For comparison, this is the approximate length of Italy.

Images of the eastern part of the Night Labyrinth were taken using the Mars Express spacecraft’s HRSC camera. All images were captured in eight orbits around Mars and then combined into a single video. Each second of the video consists of 50 separate images.


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According to scientists, the video shows region-specific “grabens”, that is, parts of the crust that sink relative to the environment. Behind the formation of these landscape features are active volcanic processes occurring in Tharsis Province. This volcanism caused large areas of Mars’ crust to buckle upwards, stretch, and undergo tectonic stress, forming canyons.

The canyons and valleys that intersect in the Night Labyrinth are 30 km wide and 6 km deep. While giant landslides covering the slopes and canyon floors are seen in many places, large dune areas formed by wind-blown sands on Mars can be seen on other slopes.

The Mars Express spacecraft photographed the Night Labyrinth in 2006 and 2015, and now it has done it again. This spacecraft has been orbiting Mars for 20 years, taking photographs of its surface as well as studying the planet’s atmosphere.

Focus I have already written that the Perseverance rover will soon explore the outskirts of the Jezero crater on Mars. He has to sample very hard rocks, something he has never been able to do before. Therefore, scientists want to be able to examine various rocks that may contain traces of ancient extraterrestrial life.

Moreover Focus He wrote that Elon Musk’s company, SpaceX, was talking about its plans for Mars. In particular, it was learned that SpaceX will land its newest spacecraft on the Red Planet within a few years. So far we are not talking about a manned flight, so there will be no astronauts on board.

Source: Focus


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