Dangerous holiday foods: Doctors tell us what to avoid and suggest alternatives

The upcoming holidays promise us lots of culinary pleasure, but doctors warn that some now-familiar dishes can play a cruel joke on our health.

During the holiday season, most of us are surrounded by tempting treats and beverages. The volume of holiday meals can sometimes seem like a strain on our stomachs. The New York Post reports how some health professionals are coping with this indulgence and offers valuable tips for those who want to enjoy the holidays without going overboard.

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Nutrition professor Jamie Davis suggests a simple but effective alternative to holiday cocktails. Instead of high-calorie alcoholic drinks, he recommends mixing mineral water with a small amount of strong alcohol and garnishing it with fruits. This alternative allows you to cut back on sugar without sacrificing your holiday cheer.

Sugary drinks like soda and sports drinks are a big no-no for Davis. Davis humorously states that eating a Snickers bar may be a better choice than drinking a liter of Coke. This comparison highlights the hidden sugars in many popular drinks.

Angel Planells, a dietitian in Seattle, warns against high-sodium foods like canned meat and canned soup. Emphasizing the importance of moderation, he recommends treating these foods as an occasional indulgence rather than a regular diet.

Another nutritionist, Lauren Au, prefers a Mediterranean-style diet rich in olive oil, seafood, chicken and tofu. This diet is known for its heart-healthy fats and balanced nutritional approach.

Internal medicine specialist Dr. Linda Shiue emphasizes the importance of paying close attention to labels. She focuses on fresh produce and avoids foods containing chemical additives and preservatives. His point is clear: vegetables, if cooked and seasoned correctly, can be delicious, transforming them from a light side dish to the star of the night’s cuisine.

These recommendations are based on scientific evidence. Studies have shown that excessive consumption of sugar and salt can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes and fatty liver. The American Heart Association recommends that sodium intake should not exceed 2,300 mg per day (about one teaspoon of table salt) and that sugar intake should not exceed 9 teaspoons per day for men and 6 teaspoons for women.

The message from these health experts is simple: strike a balance. Laura Bellows of Cornell University put it this way: “There is no bad food, only bad amounts of food.” Experts say this holiday season is all about making smarter choices and enjoying treats in moderation. Whether it’s lighter smoothies, fewer sweet snacks, or more nutritious meals, small changes can lead to a healthier, more enjoyable vacation.

Previously Focus He wrote that a diet of soups could prevent dangerous liver disease. The soup and shake diet shows promising results in a recent study aimed at treating liver disease, which has more serious health consequences.

Moreover Focus wrote which month is the best to start the diet effectively. The results showed that sunny summer is not the best time to start.

Important! This article is based on, and does not conflict with, the latest scientific and medical research. The text is for informational purposes only and does not contain medical advice. Be sure to consult a doctor to make a diagnosis.

Source: Focus


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