The disease is in the details: Scientists identify often overlooked symptoms of ADHD

Millions of adults around the world face incredible challenges every day without even knowing there is a common disorder behind it.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is more than the inability to sit still or getting distracted by small things. This disease affects millions of people worldwide, from childhood to adulthood. Despite its prevalence, the more subtle symptoms of ADHD in adults often go unnoticed and have a profound impact on life without identifying the underlying cause, YourTango reports.

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ADHD is a brain disorder that involves a persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that affects daily functioning and development. While most people associate it with children who can’t sit still or concentrate in class, the truth is that ADHD can persist into adulthood, with symptoms that are much less obvious but no less complex.

Adults with ADHD may experience problems that seem unrelated to the disorder. For example, it is not uncommon for people with ADHD to have above-average IQs. This can lead to a frustrating paradox when, despite their intelligence, they have difficulty achieving academically and professionally due to ADHD symptoms. This struggle often leads to low self-esteem as they compare themselves to more successful peers.

Another less well-known trait is accident proneness. Adults with ADHD may find tasks that require multiple levels of concentration, such as driving, particularly challenging, leading to an increased likelihood of accidents. These include not only physical events but also difficulties maintaining a job or completing educational programs in which the need for sustained attention and organizational skills poses a serious obstacle.

The impact of ADHD is not limited to personal achievements; It also deeply affects interpersonal relationships. Misunderstandings and frustrations can arise when a person with ADHD forgets important details or cannot complete tasks, which can lead to the destruction of even the strongest relationships.

Perhaps one of the most serious symptoms that goes unnoticed in adulthood is the increased risk of depression and suicidal ideation in adults with ADHD. The cumulative effect of problems, from learning difficulties to professional setbacks and strained relationships, can lead to more serious mental health problems.

Being aware of these symptoms is extremely important not only for people directly affected by ADHD, but also for their loved ones and healthcare professionals. Understanding that these problems may result from ADHD can lead to effective treatment, including medication and psychotherapy, which will significantly improve quality of life. Encouraging people experiencing these signs to seek professional counseling is a critical step in helping them find the support and strategies they need to live successful lives.

Previously Focus He wrote that older people suffering from ADHD are not counted in the statistics. Older people suffering from a serious condition are often overlooked in scientific research, failing to get the diagnosis and treatment they need, a study has found.

Moreover Focus He wrote about how ADHD medication overdoses are becoming more common. The alarming results of the latest study show that there are approximately 4,000 overdoses a year among the youth population in the United States alone.

Important! This article is based on, and does not conflict with, the latest scientific and medical research. The text is for informational purposes only and does not contain medical advice. Be sure to consult a doctor to make a diagnosis.

Source: Focus


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