Watch out for mushrooms! Dermatologist named 3 infections that can be transmitted in the pool

The pool is now almost the only opportunity to swim and cool off on hot summer days. Dermatologist Olga Didyk tells Focus why swimming in a pool can be dangerous to our health.

Summer, sun, beach, swimming pool with crystal clear water but is it really as clean as we think? Let’s figure it out. Most often in the pool you can catch fungal diseases (mycosis of the skin), intestinal infections and allergic dermatitis. Doctor, beautician-dermatologist Olga Didyk tells how to suspect the danger and protect yourself.

What danger lurks in the pool

Fungi and intestinal diseases are very fond of humidity and heat, so the pool is an ideal environment for their growth.

“Most modern pools have high quality cleaning and chlorination, so the risk of disease is minimal if all sanitary standards are met. If this is a commercial facility, there is also a book on cleaning and chlorinating the pool. Remember, the water in the pool must be perfectly clean, the walls of the pool must be free of mucus and plaque. ” says Olga Didyk.

How is the disease understood?

Mushroom. Fungal diseases have a long incubation period, it can be from several weeks to months.

“Mostly on the body these are round spots with smooth edges from 0.5 cm in diameter to 5 cm or more, the color of the spots varies from hot pink to dark brown. They appear on the toenails or on the hands. Patients often notice a change in the color of the nail, most often a yellowish whitish color. is the point, sometimes even with a gray shade, the nail becomes brittle, its shape and thickness can change, “says the dermatologist.

intestinal infections. The most common intestinal infections that can be transmitted in the pool are rotavirus and enterovirus. Unfortunately, chlorinated water does not kill rotaviruses, so in this case care must be taken that water from the pool does not enter the gastrointestinal tract. This is especially true for children who like to drink water from the pool.

Enterovirus infection is manifested by fever, general malaise, lethargy, and a vesicular rash in the form of fluid-filled vesicles. They are usually seen in the nasopharyngeal mucosa and tonsils.

In case of intestinal infections, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid dehydration and general intoxication of the body, especially for children.

Allergic dermatitis. Redness after visiting the pool can also be an allergic reaction to antiseptics that disinfect the water, in other words, allergic dermatitis.

“Allergic dermatitis occurs predominantly within 24 hours, it appears suddenly. Most often it is severe itching, there may even be bright pink rashes protruding on the skin, these are spots of various shapes that can merge with each other. Any part of a person, the body is affected, “- says Olga Didyk.

Olga Didyk, a dermatologist, recommends not self-medicating, but see a doctor as soon as you see similar symptoms. It is important not to delay in matters related to skin diseases, because the sooner you start the treatment, the faster you can get a positive effect.

How do you protect yourself from possible infections?

  • Try to come to the pool in the morning when the water is disinfected and clean.
  • Use individual shoes and towels.
  • Never swallow pool water
  • Refuse to go to the pool if you have recently been sick and have not yet recovered from the illness.
  • If you have open wounds, scrapes and abrasions, it is better to cover them with a Band-Aid and treat them after swimming in the pool.
  • Take a shower after the pool and apply moisturizer to your skin.

Remember the podiatrist gives you 5 reasons to get a regular pedicure.

Previously Focus wrote how to properly wash vegetables and fruits to prevent intestinal infections and poisoning

Important! This article is based on and does not contradict the latest scientific and medical research. The text is for informational purposes only and does not contain medical advice. Be sure to see a doctor for a diagnosis.

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Source: Focus


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