Daily Mail: Britons massively refuse Ukrainian refugees

A quarter of British families who hosted Ukrainian refugees will abandon them due to lack of money, the newspaper writes. Daily Mail.

“Participants report that due to the financial crisis in the country, it is becoming more difficult for them to take care of immigrants every day, and they themselves are left without money to live on”the newspaper says.

According to the Daily Mail, some British citizens have already spent more than a thousand pounds to help refugees. Previously, the authorities of the United Kingdom promised monthly payments for the reception of refugees, but they are delaying them.

Also, the British are repelled by cultural differences and the language barrier. As a result of disputes and misunderstandings, some of the refugees remain on the street.

Previously, the story of how the British Garnett family sheltered a 22-year-old resident of Lviv, Sophia Karkadym, gained wide popularity. Ten days later, for the sake of a relationship with a refugee, Anthony’s husband left his wife Lorna and two children. After some time, Garnett went bankrupt – due to increased media attention, he lost a successful security business. Now Anthony plans to collect a large amount of money and go to Ukraine.

Source: Ren.tv


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