Kevin McCarthy is elected Speaker of the House of Representatives after a dramatic run of 15 votes.

House of Representatives chose Kevin McCarthy as the 55th President after several days of defeats and concessions to win over legislators from Republican Party hard line.

The final vote came after days of negotiations and a stunning loss for the California congressman on the 14th ballot, where Kevin McCarthy and his GOP allies had previously expressed optimism that he would eventually get the job.

The abstention of five rebellious Republicans paved the way in the early hours of Saturday for McCarthy to be elected Speaker of the House with 216 votes.

In the 14th round of voting, an extraordinary scene erupted when McCarthy faced off against Representative Matt Gaetz, whose voice on this tour could have given her the role she had been looking for.

After initially trying to delay the House meeting until Monday, Republican leaders abruptly reversed course and stayed in session, calling for a new vote.

Throughout Friday, McCarthy managed to change the sign of the vote of several of his opponents of far-right ideology, grouped under the Freedom Caucus. But four of those conservative Republicans voted for two ultra-Republicans because Congressional rules allow people to vote for people who aren’t even nominated, and two, one of them Gaetz, chose to abstain. Gaetz’s vote would have given McCarthy a victory on the 14th ballot.

The House of Representatives can now handle the rest of its business, including swearing in newly elected members.

California Republican MP Kevin McCarthy, 57, was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2006 and will be the Democrat’s successor. Nancy Pelosi as chairman of this legislature.

Kevin McCarthy was sworn in as Speaker of the House of Representatives for the 118th Congress.

The President of the House of Representatives is the third power in the United States after President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, who is also President of the Senate.

Meanwhile, New York Democratic MP Hakim Jeffreys This Saturday, the first African-American MP to lead a party in Congress made history.

Lawmakers convened until early Saturday morning after a nightly vote to elect Rep. Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House to swear in all members of the 118th Congress.

After lawmakers are sworn in, the House of Representatives closes until 5:00 pm ET Monday.

Author: Maria Ortiz
Source: La Opinion


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