64% of Americans care about both the environment and their finances

He global warming has become a concern for Americans, and a poll that to the level of how much they care about their finances.

Three out of five Americans care about the environment as much as they care about conservation. money, suggests a new study.

In a recent survey of environmental habits of 2,000 US residents 64% of respondents confirmed that they equally care about the health of the planet and their pocket..

And 66% said that “Ready to do everything to help save the environment”although, naturally, some habits have proven much more popular than others.

For 75% of those surveyed, it’s as simple as turning off the lights when leaving the room. Similar 66% make sure to turn off the faucet whenever possibleand 63% prefer showers to baths. However, given a choice, they are much more likely to prefer a shower that lasts less than ten minutes (60%) over a shower with colder water (25%).

sustainable habits

OnePoll survey shows that to be sustainable at home, you need to go besides turning off the lights or take a quick shower.

Respondents stated that the best way to achieve energy sustainability is to follow sustainable practices such as recycle (60%), use reusable water bottles (46%), use energy efficient kitchen appliances (43%)using biodegradable food storage bags (34%) and using a high-efficiency dishwasher instead of washing dishes by hand (31%).

The survey also showed that Inflation has affected the sustainability habits of 54% of Americans.. Due to inflation, people began to spend more on food (69%), utilities (65%) and environmental goods for the home (54%).

This also caused 59% more likely to buy an ENERGY STAR rated appliance that they are more energy efficient than other alternatives, which suggests that people want more for their money.

Inflation has also affected the shopping habits of 75% of Americans.. As a result, 41% buy more frozen food than fresh food in an attempt to buy food that will last longer.

almost two out of three (63%) said they would consider investing more money up front to increase resilience from their home if it saves them money in the future.

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• Plants, like animals and people, seek shelter from climate change.

Author: Opinion
Source: La Opinion


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