Why Cancer is the hardest sign to understand

Cancer is a sign that can change your mood In the blink of an eyefrom happiness to sadness and from euphoria to anger, his character goes beyond sensitivity and is much deeper than it seems, making him one of the hardest to understand.

Those born from June 21 to July 22 are ruled by the Moon.a star associated with intuition, the “inner self”, which represents the motherly and family role of a person, and as a water sign expresses itself more with emotions than with reason.

Reading the character of Cancer is not easy, although it is expressive, it is difficult to find out what influences them. Next, we will tell you 5 reasons why this zodiac sign is the most difficult to understand.

1. Emotionally deep but rational Cancer

One of the qualities of Cancer is their emotional intelligence., quickly processes the impact of the environment and finds the most appropriate way to respond to each circumstance. It is true that they are prone to mood swings, but this does not prevent them from making the most rational decisions, so this sign copes well with difficult situations, AstroSofa.com commented in the article.

2. They waver between independence and dependence

Cancer is the sign most attached to family, home, friends, and partner, which is why it’s called cloying. However, they also have a deep need for independence and highly value making their own decisions. They need the emotional support of loved ones, but they do not allow to go beyond their individuality.Therefore, this is a complex sign.

Cancer is the most emotional sign of the Zodiac, so its nature is difficult to understand.

3. He is the most intuitive of the Zodiac

His ability to read people is remarkably accurate.. You don’t need to tell him how you feel, he will know in advance. This ability has its origins in his extreme emotional sensitivity, which manages to capture your energy. Cancer will know how to carry on a conversation until you make you vent your sorrows, and most of the time, they put your needs ahead of their own.

4. It’s nostalgic but pragmatic

Cancer loves to remember, to keep memories and remember times that will never happen again, but this does not mean that they lack vision. They learn from the past and appreciate the strength to move forward.

5. Love the emotional but also the material

The emotional world of Cancer is his priority, but he also has a taste for material comforts. This is mainly manifested when you please your loved ones with gifts and luxury items, as well as when you go shopping if you want to fill an emotional void.

keep reading:
• What are the protective properties of Cancer quartz?
• Which zodiac signs are least compatible with Cancer in love?
• Cancer as a former partner: what are they?

Author: Miguel Angel Castillo
Source: La Opinion


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